How to acquire the value of the onclick() event


Viewed 144 times


I want an "if" that your condition is based on the location of the user’s click, but I have no idea how to refer to it. I believe on that basis you understand what I want to happen:

if (onclick == window) {executar bloco de código}

If you want to see my code:

HTML5:(only revealing code)

<li><img src="Backgrounds/Foto7.jpg" onclick="myFunction(this.src)"></li>...<div id="open">/*Imagem criada aqui*/</div></body>


function myFunction(a) {
var NewImg = document.createElement('IMG');
NewImg.className = "open";
var DELIMG = document.getElementById('open');
if (onclick == NewImg){DELIMG.removeChild(NewImg)}
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2 answers


Generally when you want if (onclick == window) {executar bloco de código} use the .addEventListener.

It can be used in DOM elements, in window, in objects, etc.

In the case of window is simple,

window.addEventListener('click', function(event){
    alert('houve um clique na window!');
    alert('O clique foi em cima do elemento ' +;

and you can do the same in elements, in case your code could do so:

NewImg.addEventListener('click', function(event){

which is the application of the idea that you show in

if (onclick == NewImg){DELIMG.removeChild(NewImg)}


Apparently what you want done is that when the image that has been added is clicked, it is deleted. That maybe it’s like in the example below:

function myFunction(src) {

  var newImg = document.createElement('img');
  newImg.className = "open";
  newImg.setAttribute('src', src);
  var imgOpen = document.getElementById('open');
  newImg.addEventListener("click", function() {
    imgOpen.innerHTML = '';
.open {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  <img src="" onclick="myFunction(this.src)" width="100" height="100">

<div id="open"></div>

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