Change Toolbar Back Button Color


Viewed 582 times


How I change the color of Back Button (or Button up) of my Toolbar ? When I run the application it appears black.

  • Is not a back button but rather a Button up , despite the design.

  • @Pabloalmeida, because he did not change the text to the correct name?

  • @Dotnet Because many people should search with this name. Probably more than with "Up". But the idea is good. I will edit to leave the two terms. :)

2 answers


I believe there’s no way to change his color, but to use another image instead since he’s a drawable. For this create an image of your preference (with the color you want) and add in the folder /drawable of your project, done this just add this line in the theme(it gets in the folder /style) of your app:

<item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/minha_imagem</item>


Fala Vinicius,

It’s good you always post the code you’re using, to avoid being negative!

Suppose you are declaring your Toolbar in this way:

Toolbar mToolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

So you can change the backbutton image like this:

mToolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {


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