I’ve been researching how to validate e-mail, dates, times etc. And in the case of e-mail, I found a code like this: /^.+@.+\..{2,}$/;
. It is incomplete. But I wanted to understand what these symbols are, and what they represent to do the validation of a string?
If anyone can clarify how this works I appreciate.
Hello all jewels, huh? if they are regular expressions and in programming help a lot even if you have books written only for this type of content, I believe it means exception the bar then can put any character followed by arroba and soon after follow any cacatere and then if you have a list with two characters and finally finish, if I forgot or missed something I apologize I did it quickly. the following is a link to basic concepts of regular expressions: http://www.devmedia.com.br/conceitos-basicos-sobre-expressoes-regulares-em-java/27539
– André Martins