Directory problem in XAMPP


Viewed 68 times


My XAMPP server (local host) has the documents of a project on /htmdocs/project , inside has a index.html what call This Javascript/Jquery Code

$(document).ready(function () {$('#emailForm').submit(function(){
        type: 'POST',
        url: '/email.php',
        async: true,
        data: 'email=' + $('#campoEmail').val(),
        success: function() {alert("Sucesso")}
        //beforeSend: function() { alert("Enviando")}


HTML form

<form id="emailForm" >
        <input id="campoEmail" class="input-center" placeholder="Digite aqui" type="email" name="email" required="true">
        <input id="enviar" type="submit">

My doubt

What is the directory in that file email php., must be inside XAMPP to be executed when the JS file calls ?

  • Shows the project directory structure, in this case it should be at the root of the project.

  • The email.php must be in the project root. Probably in the same folder as the index.html. You already tested that?

  • It worked, the only strange thing is that PHP runs normal, but AJAX does not trigger the parameter Success

  • If you do not enter the Success it is because you hear an error in the request or response. use the browser tools to inspect the ajax request made.

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