Set click event to an element that was inserted via AJAX, after page loading


Viewed 70 times


I am developing an instant search system with jQuery, Ajax and PHP. I created a navigation system by the arrow keys of the keyboard in the options resulting from the search. It is working smoothly. But what I want to do is that when enter is keyboard on one of these search options, a click is triggered in the selected option. The problem is that these options are loaded after page loading. So I can’t set a click the traditional way with .click(), in that element.

I tried to use the

$(elementoPai).on('click', 'elementoFilho', function(){


But this only assigns a callback to when the 'elementoFilho' is clicked. And that’s not what I want. What I want is to set! Click! on this 'elementFile' by typing the enter.

Can someone help me ?

Thank you in advance.

  • You can post the code that makes the Ajax request?

  • I didn’t get it right. Have an example of HTML? when you click enter you want to fire a click on an element.

2 answers


click is with the mouse, touch finger, keydown with the keyboard... after all you can not click with the keyboard or type with the mouse.

$(elementoPai).on('click keydown', 'elementoFilho', function(event){
  if (event.type == "click" || event.which == 13) {
    // 13 -> Enter


You have to link the element and the listern event to the document Document DOM. Try this function below, it will work for any DOM element created in the future:

//Vc enqueceu de escolher o selector => elementoFilho é uma classe ou um ID?
//Se for id
$(document).on("click keydown", "#elementoFilho", function(e){
    e.preventDefault();//Se quiser previnir o comportamento default. 
    //ponha seu cdigo aqui

//Se for class
$(document).on("click keydown", ".elementoFilho", function(e){
    e.preventDefault();//Se quiser previnir o comportamento default. 
    //ponha seu cdigo aqui

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