Creating a website and back-end with PHP frameworks


Viewed 431 times


I’m creating a website with back-end system.

I have always done this process using only a framework like Laravel or Codeigniter, but talking to some people more experienced in this subject, recommended using Codeigniter or Laravel only for the back end and use Silex which is a micro framework.

The recommendation came about because Silex is faster than these macro frameworks. I wonder if this really proceeds, or I can continue using as I have been doing?

  • 2

    Never use codeigniter. If you want performance use phalcon is a framework made as an extension, now how much faster it is not know to say.

  • @rray agree that Codeigniter is bad, but your comment showed a lot of hatred for the :D framework

  • 1

    @Wallacemaxters with reason right ;)

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    Recommend using Codeigniter currently is like asking to use Clipper in a desktop application :)

  • Dude I took -1 my question is to be deleted, being that my question is based on the speed of frameworks...our guy!! What’s going on with the br stack??? The best answer I got was the first one I voted because it shows graphics.... what nonsense is this!

2 answers


Briefly, the statement of his friends proceeds. Large frameworks like Laravel help the developer simplify countless tedious day-to-day tasks, but this comes at a cost. They load several packages that are often not used by their application, which ends up generating an overhead.

Already a microframework is faster due to the small amount of packages that intrinsically loads with you, you will have to manually install some package that does not come by default, which generates extra work but improves performance.

If you really want speed, I recommend using the Phalcon it is a full-stack framework, but as it is written in C, its speed and monstrous. Below follows a benchmark for you to get an idea of how fast it is.

Comaração entre frameworks


What is most important to you? Application execution or development speed?

Although the micro framework is naturally lighter, it will not have all the features of a full stack framework, which already include all of this in a well integrated way.

You can create all of these integrations in a micro framework, but you want to have to keep that kind of code in your application? The libraries your application uses may be upgraded and you will need to change this code.

It all depends on the purpose of your project. A lot of people recommend micro frameworks for being in evidence. And it really makes sense to use the micro framework if we have a micro services architecture where all the features of a full stack become expendable.

However, what is the advantage of get started with a micro framework and implement 90% of a full stack framework and have to keep all this integration?

In conclusion, micro frameworks perform better because they have fewer features. But with every feature or integration you need, more Overload will be added, even passing a full stack if we don’t do it right. Already with a full stack, you will load things you don’t need, but everything you need to use is already integrated and just use.

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