I don’t have as much knowledge in the back-end area, but I need an image Uploader, I looked for a way that doesn’t use a database, but I believe it’s impossible.
I need a similar Uploader to the Froala editor, I decided to take a closer look at his code to understand a little more how it works, discover that he uses a url ( http://i.froala.com/upload ) to upload temporary of the images, so as I am limited in the back-end area discover a project on Github but I’m having trouble setting up.
So I need help configuring it because I’m a layman in this area. What data do I need to configure an image Uploader? , Is it possible to use the same temporary Froala upload url on it? , or do you need any more server data? not a very good attitude but I need something temporary.
If you have other options to recommend me, feel free.
In part this answer solved my problem, the author of this plugin you sent me had made another, specific to load images, here is the link to if by chance it help someone in the future with the same problem I https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Load-Image Anyway, thank you very much. the/
– Wesley Ferreira