error "Undefined object reference to an instance of an object." when displaying a null value in the view


Viewed 4,575 times


Within C# MVC5, I am creating a user registration form with several fields. One of them is the Function (Bonus) field, which the user may or may not have.

Follows the User class:

public class Usuarios

    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Required, StringLength(60)]
    public string Nome { get; set; }

    public string Matricula {get;set;}

    public int MatriculaDV {get;set;}

    public string OAB {get;set;}

    public Genero Genero { get; set; } 
    public bool Ativo {get;set;}

    [DisplayName("Data de Nascimento"), DisplayFormat(DataFormatString="{0:d}")]
    public DateTime DataNascimento { get; set; }

    public virtual int? UnidadesID {get;set;}
    public virtual Unidades Unidade {get;set;}

    public virtual int? CargosID { get; set; }
    public virtual Cargos Cargo { get; set; }

    public virtual int? FuncoesID {get;set;} //eis a funcao
    public virtual Funcoes Funcao {get;set;}


And the class Functions:

public class Funcoes
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Codigo { get; set; }
    public string Funcao { get; set; }

    public virtual IList<Usuarios> Usuario { get; set; }

The inclusion form allows adding a new record with no function.

However, when trying to list them, the view containing the table generates the error below on the line where it tries to display a null function record (line @usuario.Funcao.Function):

An Exception of type 'System.Nullreferenceexception' occurred in App_web_tneo00cv.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Object reference not defined for a instance of an object.

Follow the User Index view:

@model IList<Aplicacoes.Entidades.Usuarios>

    ViewBag.Title = "Usuários";
<h4>Lista de Usuários</h4>
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="Usuario/Form">Novo Usuário</a>
<a class="btn btn-default" href="Unidades/Index">Unidades</a>
<a class="btn btn-default" href="Cargo/Index">Cargos</a>
<a class="btn btn-default" href="Funcao/Index">Funções</a>
@*@Html.ActionLink("Novo Usuário", "Form", "Usuario", new { @class="btn btn-primary"})
@Html.ActionLink("Unidades", "Index", "Unidades", new { @class = "btn btn-default" })*@
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
            <th>Data Nasc.</th>
        @foreach (var usuario in @Model.OrderBy(usuario => usuario.Nome))
                <td>@usuario.Funcao.Funcao</td> //o erro ocorre aqui


I tried to get around that way in the View itself, but it didn’t work:

if(@usuario.Funcao == null)
    <td>@usuario.Funcao.Funcao</td> //o erro acontece aqui novamente

Follow the User Controller to verify:

public class UsuarioController : Controller
    // GET: Usuario
    private UsuarioDAO uDao;
    private CargosDAO cDao;
    private FuncoesDAO fDao;
    private UnidadesDAO udDao;

    public UsuarioController(UsuarioDAO uDao, CargosDAO cDao, FuncoesDAO fDao, UnidadesDAO udDao)
        this.uDao = uDao;
        this.cDao = cDao;
        this.fDao = fDao;
        this.udDao = udDao;

    public ActionResult Index()
        IList<Usuarios> usuarios = uDao.Lista();
        return View(usuarios);

    public ActionResult Form()
        ViewBag.Cargos = cDao.Lista().OrderBy(Cargos =>Cargos.Cargo);
        ViewBag.Funcoes = fDao.Lista().OrderBy(Funcoes => Funcoes.Funcao);
        ViewBag.Unidades = udDao.Lista().OrderBy(Unidades => Unidades.Nome);

        return View();

    public ActionResult Adiciona(Usuarios usuario)
        return RedirectToAction("Index");

    public ActionResult Remove(int id)
        Usuarios usuario = uDao.BuscaPorId(id);
        return RedirectToAction("Index");
    public ActionResult Detalhes(int id)
        Usuarios usuario = uDao.BuscaPorId(id);
        return View(usuario);

    public ActionResult Atualiza(Usuarios usuario)
        return RedirectToAction("Index");



I understand the error prompts me to initiate the variable first. But I can’t imagine where I can start this variable, since it’s a "class within a class".

  • Guys, I’m still in need of help to overcome this problem. Thank you :)

  • Have you checked if all users on the list have Functions? In your view try something like this: <td>@usuario.Funcao?.Funcao</td>

  • Where’s your list method ()

2 answers


Have you tried adding a constructor to the user class?

  public Usuarios()
        this.FuncoesID = 0;
        this.Funcoes = new Funcoes();
  • Good morning, I made an attempt but with this constructor he cleaned all user functions that have this information =( I tried public Usuarios()&#xA; {&#xA; if (this.Funcao == null)&#xA; {&#xA; this.FuncoesID = 0;&#xA; this.Funcao = new Funcoes();&#xA; }&#xA; } but it didn’t work tb

  • You can try building a constructor for the function class by starting the error fields.

  • I tried to public Funcoes()&#xA; {&#xA; if (this.Funcao== null)&#xA; {&#xA; this.Id = 0;&#xA; this.Funcao = "-";&#xA; this.Codigo = 0;&#xA; }&#xA; } in the function class, but it didn’t work out either. Returned the same error =/ (error mentioned in question, did not list users without function names)

  • @romalito if you remove the piece of code from the view, does it work? Just to make sure it’s this...

  • It does work. Actually, if I delete the record in the table with the Function field that is null, the list normally processes.

  • I had this problem with SQL and C#, so I started to send a value "0" (zero) or " (space) where it would be null not to error the return.

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You can use ? to print possible null objects.

    @foreach (var usuario in @Model.OrderBy(usuario => usuario.Nome))
            <td>@usuario.Funcao?.Funcao</td> //o erro ocorre aqui


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