Know which button was clicked


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Friends, I have 4 buttons like <input tupe="button">, each has a different class because they are formatted in different ways. Both buttons have the same action, with different values only. I would like to know how to get these values from these buttons in a jquery function, because the id is unique, the class is different. Thank you.

1 answer


With jQuery you can just do it:

$('button[type="button"]').on('click', function(){
   // e aqui, o this é o botão clicado
   var id =;
   var classes = this.classList;

If you want to do only with native Javascript you can do so:

var botoes = document.querySelectorAll('button[type="button"]');
for (var i = 0; i < botoes.length; i++){
  botoes[i].addEventListener('click', function(){
       // e aqui, o this é o botão clicado
       var id =;
       var classes = this.classList;


  • notice that you have tupe instead of type.
  • Remember that Ids must be unique, and classes shared. In your text you say "each has a different class [...] the id is unique", maybe it’s right but the description gives me idea that not

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