Laravel error in installation


Viewed 1,319 times


Guys, I am using mac and trying to install Laravel. I have already installed the composer, surround the command line documented in the framework :

composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"

He runs everything ok, but when I try

laravel new blog

It gives that the command Laravel does not exist.

I’m creating inside the xammp htdocs.

How could I fix this ?

Thank you

  • 2

    The command would not be, php laravel new blog?

  • friend of unknown command

  • This using windows or linux?

  • MAC but I believe it is similar to linux

  • It can’t be via Composer ?

  • So I’m following a book, and it uses the direct command in the Standard ... You don’t know how I can Tidy up >

  • So, but Laravel is installed via Composer. You installed Composer ?

  • yes, I have installed the Composer all right, now to the Standard using this site : but qnd localhost access/teste1/public error 500

  • I used the search engine inside the xampp with . bash_profile and returned me two files but none with that name

  • 1

    Dude, erase that Shampoo. And install the Mamp.

  • ok I’m installing

  • worked amigoooooo finally.... S'o a question, how can I create a shortcut on the terminal ? example every time go to use cd /xxx/xxx/xxxx would like to turn this command into a goDevWeb

  • I don’t know about this, man. But good that it worked. Ask a question again. I’m sure someone should know here.

  • ok thanks for the help and patience XD

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2 answers


You need to have the /Users/seu-nome-de-usuario/.composer/vendor/bin in your Path so that the Executable can be used in any system folder.

To check if your path contains the path of the Composer run the command

echo $PATH

and see the output

If not, you can add the path with the command

sudo vim /etc/paths

And add to the last line


or if you overwrite the paths in your terminal settings you can use

sudo vim ~/.zshrc

and add the line

export PATH="${PATH}:/Users/seu-nome-de-usuario/.composer/vendor/bin"
  • friend edited the file and put it in the last line, but no results qnd use $PATH it does not show me the path, the result is : /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

  • A tip Alan, if you do not use the @AugustoFurlan in the comment he will not receive your message, maybe he has not read your comment.

  • @augustoFurlan see if you can edit the file ~/.bashrc and add export PATH="${PATH}:/Users/seu-nome-de-usuario/.composer/vendor/bin" at the end of the file. > Remember to exchange your-username by your username


In the xamp I was able to solve this problem like this:

Open your .bash_profile:

vim ~/.bash_profile

And copy the following line at the end of the file:

export PATH="/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin:$PATH"

Save, and then reboot like this:

source ~/.bash_profile

Anything try to create your projects like this:

composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist

It’s the same thing laravel new project.

  • friend went editing . bash and went wrong, can not find the file

  • search all your folders by xampp folder, then take the full address to the bin and change it to the correct address.

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