How can I read Docblock from a PHP method to a string?


Viewed 133 times


I wonder how I can read the Docblock of a PHP method and turn it into a string.

For example, I have the following code:

class Stack
      * @return void
     public function overflow()


How could I get the docblock of the method Stack::overflow and keep it in a variable?

  • serves?

  • @Guilhermelautert, I think I expressed myself badly or you didn’t understand. I want to return the contents of the docblock method Stack::overlow in a string. That’s it?

1 answer


This can be done by using the getDocComment, that is present in the classes ReflectionMethod and ReflectionFunction.

See the description of the method in Documentation.

* This is an Example class
class Example
     * This is an example function
    public function fn() 
        // void

$reflector = new ReflectionClass('Example');

// to get the Class DocBlock
echo $reflector->getDocComment()

// to get the Method DocBlock

In the example above we use ReflectionClass. But when we call the method getMethod, an instance of ReflectionMethod is returned.


Remember that for Docblock to be captured, it is necessary that the comment contains two asterisks after the /.

Correct example:

 * @param string $value
 public function correto($value) {}


 public function invalido($value) {}

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