How to pass a json containing data array to Php?


Viewed 5,089 times


How would it be possible to send the following Json to Php without losing the "tabLinhas", Where do you have an array!? The original Json consists of a single line, I put this way here only to improve the visualization:


I’ve tried it this way:

In Javascript:

var str_json = JSON.stringify(myObject);
request= new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "recebeJson.php", true);
request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
alert(str_json); //Exibe o json perfeitamente na janela de alerta

In Php, getting Json via POST:

echo '<br><br>Erro(s): '.json_last_error();

Php Post var_dump output:

array(16) {
  ["csTipoPagamento"]=> string(1) "1"
  ["csClassificacao"]=> string(2) "15"
  ["csContrato"]=> string(1) "6"
  ["csNotaFiscal"]=> string(9) "3126549-2"
  ["csEmissao"]=> string(10) "29/06/2015"
  ["csVencimento"]=> string(10) "29/07/2015"
  ["csMunicipio"]=> string(3) "309"
  ["csCecoAprov"]=> string(6) "CJ9700"
  ["csDtpInicial"]=> string(10) "01/06/2015"
  ["csDtpFinal"]=> string(10) "30/06/2015"
  ["csRefPgto"]=> string(1) "9"
  ["csIngressSpd"]=> string(10) "28/06/2015"
  ["csPedido"]=> string(15) "Pedido qualquer"
  ["csDtpRecebNota"]=> string(10) "29/06/2015"
  ["csDescServico"]=> string(13) "Uma Descrição"
  ["csObservacoes"]=> string(14) "Uma Observação"

Output from json_last_error():

Erro(s): 0

After the POST, besides already arriving as an array, I’m missing some of this.

  • And what happens that way?

  • The way I did, the whole final part, the tabLinhas, is lost between sending in Js and receiving in Php.

  • Why do you say it’s lost? How are you using this JSON in PHP? put the pf code

3 answers


Try using the jQuery library:

<script type="text/javascript"

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {

        var data = $('#data_json').val();

          $.post('recebeJson.php',data:data,function(ret) {
             var retorno = $.parseJSON(ret);
             if (retorno.success) {
                alert('Dados enviados com sucesso!');

     return false;
<input type='hidden' value='{"csTipoPagamento":"20","csClassificacao":"14","csContrato":"41","csFornecedor":"Nome_do_Fornecedor","csNotaFiscal":"2316549-9","csValorNotaFiscal":"2413.08","csCnpj":"Uma_numeração_de_CNPJ","csEmissao":"28/06/2015","csVencimento":"28/07/2015","csMunicipio":"275","csDtpInicial":"01/06/2015","csDtpFinal":"30/06/2015","csRefPgto":"9","csIngressSpd":"29/06/2015","csData":"02/07/2015","csLiId":"O_Id","csMedicao":"A_Medição","csPedido":"Numeração_do_pedido","csDtpRecebNota":"30/06/2015","csDescServico":"Uma_Descrição","csObservacoes":"Uma_Observação","tabLinhas":[["33","12","102","1","12","2413.08","569659","201.09"],["33","12","102","1","12","2413.08","569659","201.09"]]}' id='data_json'>
<input type="submit" value="Enviar">

And in PHP:


$data = $_POST['data'];

$objData = json_decode($data);

$dadosTabLinhas = $objData->tabLinhas;

echo 'exibe array dados:<br /> <pre>';

  • Use the $_POST[data] looks like a great +1 alternative


You’re not losing value No, try it like this:

/* no caso aqui eu forcei, mas é a mesma coisa que você envia com o JSON.stringify */
$json = json_decode('{"csTipoPagamento":"20","csClassificacao":"14","csContrato":"41","csFornecedor":"Nome_do_Fornecedor","csNotaFiscal":"2316549-9","csValorNotaFiscal":"2413.08","csCnpj":"Uma_numeração_de_CNPJ","csEmissao":"28/06/2015","csVencimento":"28/07/2015","csMunicipio":"275","csDtpInicial":"01/06/2015","csDtpFinal":"30/06/2015","csRefPgto":"9","csIngressSpd":"29/06/2015","csData":"02/07/2015","csLiId":"O_Id","csMedicao":"A_Medição","csPedido":"Numeração_do_pedido","csDtpRecebNota":"30/06/2015","csDescServico":"Uma_Descrição","csObservacoes":"Uma_Observação","tabLinhas":[["33","12","102","1","12","2413.08","569659","201.09"],["33","12","102","1","12","2413.08","569659","201.09"]]}');

foreach ($json->tabLinhas as $key=>$value) { //entra no tabLinhas
    echo "\n" . $key . ": " . $value;
    foreach ($value as $k=>$v) { //cada array do tabLinhas
         echo $k . ": " . $v . ", ";


0: Array0: 33, 1: 12, 2: 102, 3: 1, 4: 12, 5: 2413.08, 6: 569659, 7: 201.09,

1: Array0: 33, 1: 12, 2: 102, 3: 1, 4: 12, 5: 2413.08, 6: 569659, 7: 201.09,

Ideone Exemplo

  • Maicon, with the Php variable already containing that same Json works ok. But the problem really seems to be in the passage via POST to Php. Right now I’m losing my information...


I tested here with your code and managed to make it work with the following change.

In the archive recebeJson.php, put the following content:

$json =  json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true) ?: [];

I hope it helps you.

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