Catch last div of a div


Viewed 1,676 times


Considering this structure:

<div id="PAI">
  <div uniqid="1" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="2" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="3" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="4" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="5" class="filho">A</div>

I need to get the number div uniqid = 5 ie always the last of the div with id PAI how to do?

  • last element/object or last "div" ? may happen to exist other elements within a div, e.g., a <span>, an anchor <a>, an Row <hr>

  • @Danielomine the last object will follow the model I demonstrated above always being a div with such attributes but they will always be filled with other elements..

2 answers


You can use element.lastElementChild when applied to the parent element gives what you want, the last element.


var pai = document.getElementById("PAI");
var ultimoFilho = pai.lastElementChild; = 'green';
<div id="PAI">
    <div uniqid="1" class="filho">A</div>
    <div uniqid="2" class="filho">A</div>
    <div uniqid="3" class="filho">A</div>
    <div uniqid="4" class="filho">A</div>
    <div uniqid="5" class="filho">A</div>


Can use document#querySelector().

Getting the last element by class .filho :

var last = document.querySelector(".filho:last-child"); = 'red';
<div id="PAI">
  <div uniqid="1" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="2" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="3" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="4" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="5" class="filho">A</div>

Getting the last div inside #PAI :

var last = document.querySelector("#PAI div:last-child"); = 'red';
<div id="PAI">
  <div uniqid="1" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="2" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="3" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="4" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="5" class="filho">A</div>

Getting the element by uniqid=5 :

var last= document.querySelector("[uniqid='5']"); = 'red';
<div id="PAI">
  <div uniqid="1" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="2" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="3" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="4" class="filho">A</div>
  <div uniqid="5" class="filho">A</div>

  • 1

    It should be mentioned that .querySelector works also for us, i.e. can also do document.getElementById('PAI').querySelector(':last-child'); this is useful if you already have a reference to #PAI at hand.

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