Eclipse (java project) - src folder error


Viewed 602 times


I hope you can help me... after I installed everything (all the same: ADT, Eclpse, SDK and ALL Android Updates )), no matter how many projects I create, always error in folder SRC of the eclipse, someone can help me...

photo below...

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  • Ever tried to reinstall Eclipse? or install another version?

  • Some of these answers answered him?

2 answers


Right click on top of the project, Android tools, sdd Libraries. See the min and Compile version in the manifest if it matches the versions you have available from Android to compile.

Use the external project jar instead of the project itself, and more practical.

Use Android studio, VC avoids 60% problems


Use the Android Studio it has full support to Android and is passive in the use of the jetbrains, Google no longer provides support for ADT (eclipse plugin to develop Android), so the ADT tends not to bear the new APIs do Android (which is currently in review 22).

Note on ADT:

Note: If you have been using Eclipse with ADT, be Aware that Android Studio is now the Official IDE for Android, so you should migrate to Android Studio to receive all the Latest IDE updates. For help Moving Projects, see Migrating to Android Studio.


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