Add a line<tr> before another line that has an ID


Viewed 4,590 times


I need to add a row at a specific table position, using Javascript.


  <!-- Inserir linha aqui! -->
  <tr id="id_2">
   <td>Teste 2</td>
  • How exactly would this be? It wouldn’t be much easier to add it by html even?

2 answers


Using jQuery, you can use insertBefore, thus:

$("<tr><td>Outro teste</td></tr>").insertBefore("#id_2");

Or with pure Javascript, without jQuery:

var tr = document.createElement("tr"); // cria o elemento tr
var td = document.createElement("td"); // cria o element td
var textnode = document.createTextNode("Outro teste"); 
td.appendChild(textnode); // adiciona o texto na td criada
tr.appendChild(td); // adiciona a td na tr

var tr_id2 = document.getElementById("id_2"); // pega a tr pelo id
// adiciona o elemento criado, a partir do nó pai (no caso <table>)
tr_id2.parentNode.insertBefore(tr, tr_id2); 
  <!-- Inserir linha aqui! -->
  <tr id="id_2">
   <td>Teste 2</td>


Javascript has its own methods for tables that make it easier. You can add a new line simply with

var tr = table.insertRow(idIndex);

In your case you can do so:

var idIndex = document.getElementById('id_2').rowIndex;
var table = document.querySelector('table');
var tr = table.insertRow(idIndex);
tr.innerHTML = '<td>Teste intermédio...</td>';


Reading about this (MDN in English):

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