How to delete an image from Storage Folder 5.2?


Viewed 245 times


I’m using this code to upload image this all working my doubt and in the if condition to delete the old image I have to leave a default image.jpg as default plus my condition if this deleting that image. my question and how can I leave this image always default and continue using the condition to delete someone can help ?

 public function update_avatar(Request $request){

        $user            = Auth::user();
        $old_avatar      = $user->avatar;
        $file            = $request->file('avatar');
        $filename        = time() . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
        $old_file_avatar = $old_avatar  . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
        $image           = Image::make($file);

        $image->fit(250, 250, function ($constraint) {

        Storage::put($filename, (string) $image->encode());

        $user->avatar = $filename;


    //delete image
    if (Auth::user() !== $filename) {

    return redirect('profile');

public function getUserImage()
    $user        = Auth::user();
    $old_avatar  = $user->avatar;
    $file        = Storage::disk('local')->get($old_avatar);
    return Response::make($file,200,[ 'Content-Type' => $old_avatar]);


I want to delete the old image and put the new one if already makes the question and I do not want it to overwrite the default image.jpg that and default in the database for all users.

 //delete image
if (Auth::user() !== $filename) {
  • I don’t understand your question!

  • Vamos la I’m saving my images in the Storage folder and I use the Intervention Image that creates a link in the database of this folder, inside my Storage folder I have an image as default called default.jpg that is loaded as default in the database. the question is that when I upload the image of a user it is replaced. the question is that I cannot do it because it is standard for all users.

1 answer


use the unlink function().


  • Hi! Can you explain why this line of code solves the problem?

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