config() does not return what was configured


Viewed 44 times


I have a class Foobar.php that in it have a return [] with some items that are pointed out from .env, in this format:


function decode_ifnot_null() {} ... // método que auxilia na obtenção de valores de arquivos

return [
    "CONFIG_A" => env("CONFIG_A", true),
    "CONFIG_B" => decode_ifnot_null(env("CONFIG_B")),
    "CONFIG_C" => env("CONFIG_C", true),

In my .env, is like this:

CONFIG_A=the quick fox
CONFIG_C=jumps over the lazy dog

But when I call the method config("CONFIG_A"), I get a null. When I call the env("CONFIG_A"), i get the quick fox.

The archive Foobar.php is inside /config/.

What am I doing wrong?

1 answer


I’m rusty from Laravel, but as far as I can remember the "parameter" of the function config() should refer to the filename separated by a dot to get a specific value, for example, your file is called Foobar.php, so this should be used like this:

$variavel = config('Foobar.CONFIG_A');

To catch the other:

$variavel = config('Foobar.CONFIG_B');

If your file was called cyberpotato.php, it should be called cyberpotato.php:


If you want to take the whole array, it should be:

  • 1

    You love misspelling my name. Thanks anyway!

  • 1

    @Cypherpotato Cyberpotato is your pet BOT :)

  • Considerable haha

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