Laravel: Take the value of an array without foreach


Viewed 400 times


I have the following appointment:

$TenantId = DB::select('select tenant_id from users where id = :id', ['id' => '7']);


The result of $Tenantid is:

array:1 [▼
  0 => {#357 ▼
    +"tenant_id": 7

I need the result to be: 7

How do I display only number 7? The reason is because I need this 'tenant_id' to use in the next query which is:

$subdomain = DB::select('select subdomain from tenants where id = :id', ['id' => $TenantId]);

But if I use this way above displays the error:

Array to string Conversion (SQL: select subdomain from tenants Where id = :id)

I have tried to take the value of the following forms, but it has not solved:






*All 3 forms failed.

1 answer


From what I could see the correct would be to use $Tenantid[0]->tenant_id

  • Thanks friend... Clarified the doubt... Really this way it worked, I learned one more, thank you!

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