What you need is drag-like functionality.
I leave below an example I did now for drag on touch and mouse.
About the position of the touchmove:
The event that is passed in the eventhandler is different for mouse and touch events. In mouse events the pointer position is obtained by evento.clientX
and evento.clientY
. However in touch this event is in evento.touches[0].clientX
and public relations. evento.touches[0].clientY
. Because of this I had to add a function to normalize the event detecting whether it is a touch or a mouse. I could have done via e.type
but I chose this.
(I’m using e.originalEvent
because jQuery does not provide the property touch
at the event. Available only on the property originalEvent
where it passes a reference to the original event).
Therefore the function to normalize the position:
function normalizarEvento(e) {
if (e.originalEvent.touches && e.originalEvent.touches.length) return e.originalEvent.touches[0];
return e;
For that you need to listen to some events:
To start the drag:
$('img').on('mousedown touchstart', toggleDrag);
To stop the drag:
$('img').on('mouseup touchend mouseout', toggleDrag);
The function toggleDrag
checks if the event type is to start and gives a value true
the flag that stores the information if the drag is happening.
This function also stores the position of the event in relation to the position of the image, in order to have this information in the other function when moving the image. I added an extra function for this given the relative position on the page:
function buscarPosicaoRelativa(el) {
var bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
var elemRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: elemRect.left - bodyRect.left,
y: elemRect.top - bodyRect.top
The function drag
changes the margin
left and top as the mouse position.
It would also be possible to measure the speed of the touch to be able to move quickly and with an acceleration effect. But this fits well with another question. And part of it I’ve already answered here: How to know the scroll direction of the mouse wheel
var ondrag = {};
$('.dragme').on('mouseup touchend mouseout', toggleDrag);
$('.dragme').on('mousedown touchstart', toggleDrag);
$('.dragme').on('mousemove touchmove', drag);
function normalizarEvento(e) {
if (e.originalEvent.touches && e.originalEvent.touches.length) return e.originalEvent.touches[0];
return e;
function buscarPosicaoRelativa(el) {
var bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
var elemRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: elemRect.left - bodyRect.left,
y: elemRect.top - bodyRect.top
function toggleDrag(evt) {
var moveTouch = normalizarEvento(evt);
ondrag.on = evt.type == 'mousedown' || evt.type == 'touchstart';
if (ondrag.on) ondrag.start = {
x: moveTouch.clientX - this.getBoundingClientRect().left,
y: moveTouch.clientY - this.getBoundingClientRect().top
function toggleDrag(evt) {
var moveTouch = normalizarEvento(evt);
var posicaoElemento = buscarPosicaoRelativa(this);
ondrag.on = evt.type == 'mousedown' || evt.type == 'touchstart';
if (ondrag.on) ondrag.start = {
x: moveTouch.clientX - posicaoElemento.x + this.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().left,
y: moveTouch.clientY - posicaoElemento.y + this.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().top
function drag(evt) {
var moveTouch = normalizarEvento(evt);
if (!ondrag.on) return;
var x = moveTouch.clientX;
var y = moveTouch.clientY;
this.style.marginLeft = x - ondrag.start.x + 'px';
this.style.marginTop = y - ondrag.start.y + 'px';
Please post the image here, if the tinypic disappears, the question loses quite a bit of meaning...
– brasofilo
You’re right.. Edited question.
– Ricardo
Can you make this image stop moving? I was a bit dizzy reading this question kkk
– RodrigoBorth
@Rodrigoborth, I just fixed it :)
– brasofilo
Is it supposed to look like the last comic? http://xkcd.com/1110/ (I hope you’re in time)
– Bacco
@Bacco yes, like the last comic.
– Ricardo