Requesting to download the file in the middle of the run


Viewed 71 times


I have a small problem, I have an execution in PHP that generates an average of 34 thousand Insert’s in Mysql, this is done via stored Procedure.

But when I run the same execution is around 5 minutes running and suddenly asks to download the file XPTO.php.

Even so, the execution at the bank continues.

What can I do to solve the problem?


  • Zend Server - 7.0.0
  • Mysql - 5.5.40
  • PHP - 5.4.24
  • Any error is returned ? Where is the code ?

  • does not generate any error simply to request the download of the file, so I understood the browser simply for execution. but the execution in the bank processes until the end

  • We can assume that XPTO.php is some third party library and you have already taken proper precautions regarding the time limit?

  • no worse than it is not the file that does the whole procedure and yes we take care with respect to the time limit

  • 1

    Show us the code :)

  • I really can’t do this, first of all because it’s something from a very large company. second is something around 4500 lines, but runs until the end only I have this calculation procedure on a basis of 3600000 records generating only 35000 records and making the same Insert in another table

  • Since you cannot share the code, try sharing the contents of the XPTO.php file (which would be the equivalent of the error) and/or the response HTTP headers (which would be to see why the browser decided to download the file instead of showing on the screen).

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2 answers


Guys I figured out how to solve the issue.

In Zend Server we have this configuration in XML his pattern:

<Timeouts connectionTimeout="60" requestTimeout="120" />

I ended up trading for:

<Timeouts connectionTimeout="60" requestTimeout="1500" />

So solve my problem.

I’m grateful for everyone who tried to help.

  • I think your way of solving a mistake can create worse ones...

  • the routine was validated several times and I arrived at this solution because it only occurred in the development computers. so I made a diff with the production server coming up with this solution

  • You’re updating 3600000 records for 5 minutes - that’s the problem. What will happen if your DB doubles in size?

  • we have a permission to leave the whole business rule in the database because they are kept by ibm the application servers are more simplorious


In this case, I think increasing Timeout time is not a good option. If the problem is the INSERT number, instead of making 34,000 you can make one just like this:

 INSERT INTO example
    (example_id, name, value, other_value)
   (100, 'Name 1', 'Value 1', 'Other 1'),
   (101, 'Name 2', 'Value 2', 'Other 2'),
   (102, 'Name 3', 'Value 3', 'Other 3'),
   (103, 'Name 4', 'Value 4', 'Other 4');

Also, need to know why you need to do 34,000 INSERT... If and to solve a DUMP type problem, you can use SQL directly without using PHP.

To respond in Otto’s comment, saying that he uses store_procedure, that:

 for ($test=0; $test<10; $test++)
 $str = ""; 
     for ($w=0; $w < 3400; $w++)
        $str .= "(".$w.",'Name1','Totpo','Name2'),\n";
     $str .= "(".$w.",'Name1','Totpo','Name2');";

    $query_insert = "
    VALUES ".$str;
    //echo $query_insert;
    $result = sql_query($db_so36,$query_insert);

then, 34,000 INSERT, it only takes 0.271 sec !

  • the Inserts are generated via store Process all execution is database ... or better all rule of business is database

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