Take specific position in . each


Viewed 213 times


I made a noose .each that returns some button:

            var consultas = setInterval(listarPedidos, 4000);

        function listarPedidos(){
            $.getJSON('conectar/_pedidos/listaPedidos.php', function (data) {  
                $.each(data, function(i, valor){
                  elementoFILA += "<tr id='statusFILA'>";
                    elementoFILA += "<td>" + valor.PED_ID + "</td>";
                    elementoFILA += "<td>" + valor.PED_DATA_N + "</td>";
                    elementoFILA += "<td>" + resultado + " / " + valor.CLI_TEL + "</td>";
                    elementoFILA += "<button class='btn btn-info' id='btnVisu' title='Visualizar Pedido'><i class='fas fa-eye'></i> </button>";
                    elementoFILA += "<button class='btn btn-primary' title='Editar Pedido'><i class='fa fa-pencil-alt'></i> </button>";
                    elementoFILA += "<button class='btn btn-dark' disabled='' title='Setar Saiu Entrega'><i class='fa fa-motorcycle'></i> </button>";
                    elementoFILA += "<button class='btn btn-dark' id='btnFinalizar' disabled='' title='Finalizar Pedido'><i class='fa fa-check'></i> </button>";
                    elementoFILA += '</div></td>'
                 elementoFILA += "</tr>";

My difficulty is picking up line id='btnVisu'.

I’m trying to do it this way, but not the right way:

$('#btnVisu').click(function () {

I know you have to pick up the accountant’s .each but I couldn’t do.

  • Your loop is generating several elements with the same id. Hence, the .click will be applied only to the first #btnVisu... You had a question almost identical to yours these days. I’ll see if I find it and Linko here.

1 answer


Your problem is you’re generating duplicate Ids. HTML Ids must be unique, so when you use the selector you will only receive the first element with that ID.

You have at least 3 solutions:

  • use classes
  • use unique Ids
  • create an element within the .each directly

Using classes:

At times id='btnVisu' uses <button class='btn btn-info btnVisu' and then $('.btnVisu').click( on the event headphone.

Using Unique Ids:

Usa id='btnVisu" + i + "' (incrementing with the position number inside the array) and then using this ID in `.click()``

Creating elements within the .each

Avoid all duplicate Ids. In this case the code could be like this:

function visualizar() {

$.each(data, function(i, valor) {
  let elementoFILA = '';
  elementoFILA += "<td>" + valor.PED_ID + "</td>";
  elementoFILA += "<td>" + valor.PED_DATA_N + "</td>";
  elementoFILA += "<td>" + resultado + " / " + valor.CLI_TEL + "</td>";
  elementoFILA += "<button class='btn btn-info' title='Visualizar Pedido'><i class='fas fa-eye'></i> </button>";
  elementoFILA += "<button class='btn btn-primary' title='Editar Pedido'><i class='fa fa-pencil-alt'></i> </button>";
  elementoFILA += "<button class='btn btn-dark' disabled='' title='Setar Saiu Entrega'><i class='fa fa-motorcycle'></i> </button>";
  elementoFILA += "<button class='btn btn-dark btnFinalizar' disabled='' title='Finalizar Pedido'><i class='fa fa-check'></i> </button>";
  elementoFILA += '</td>'
  const $tr = $('<tr />');
  $tr.appendTo('table'); // ou outro seletor/elemento

Note: in your HTML you have elementoFILA += '</div></td>'. I don’t see where that <div> begins. Has it been forgotten?

  • Thanks Sergio for the help. So I did with class gave same thing, and with unique id as I would take in $('#btnVisu? '). click(Function() the code here? and another thing you said he takes the first of the listing but not the first taking it this way I’m doing, then I thought I was putting the code in wrong place, then I got another id so forehead off each ai it works beauty

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