Select Laravel Entering Next Record Alone


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Good evening, I have a project in Laravel and I’m having the following difficulty:

I have a controller that retrieves data from my database, has a variable that receives string and this string converts to array

public function edit($id)
    $obj= Treino::find($dados->treino_id);
    $string = $dados->especificidade;
    $exer  = explode(',', $string);
    $exercs= DB::select("select *from lista where id != 0 and idtipo in(8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31)");
    return view('treino.exercad',compact('obj','exercs','dados','exer'));

play this dice to the view compare if you have any string data that matches the list if it has I give the Selected up to there everything right works 100%. But when I change any other data in this form this select always inserts the next item in the list without me doing anything.

<div class="form-group col-md-8">
  <select name="especificidade[]" multiple="multiple" class="form-control select-search">
    @foreach($exercs as $item)
      <option value="{{ $item->descricao }}" @if(isset($exer[$i]) == $item->descricao) selected @else @endif>{{ $item->descricao }}</option>

Saves the data

 public function exercad(request $request)
        $param = $request->all();
        $obj= Treinodet::find($param['id']);
            $exer = $param['especificidade'];
            foreach ($exer as $stringArray)
              $stringArrayF = $stringArray.', '.$stringArrayF;
            $param['especificidade']= $stringArrayF;
            $obj = Treinodet::create($param);
            $exer = $param['especificidade'];
            foreach ($exer as $stringArray)
              $stringArrayF = $stringArray.', '.$stringArrayF;
            $param['especificidade']= $stringArrayF;

        return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Cadastro Criado com sucesso');


how do I make it not happen?

2 answers


The interesting thing would be to post your entire controller. To be able to analyze how it is working.

<div class="form-group col-md-8">
<select name="especificidade[]" multiple="multiple" class="form-control select-search">
    @foreach($exercs as $i => $item)
        <option value="{{ $item->descricao }}" {{ (isset($exer[$i]) == $item->descricao) ? 'selected': '' }}>{{ $item->descricao }}</option>

See if this will solve your problem.

Dude, I have no idea what might be going on with your code. I’m going to put an example below as I do with multiple selects.

My controller:

public function adicionarAdicional(Request $request, Adicional $adi)

$auth = Session::get('auth');

if (!$auth) {
    return Redirect::to('/login')->withErrors(['Acesso negado.']);
} else {


    $adicionais = $request->dt_adicional;

    $this->validate($request, [
        'dt_adicional.*' => [new Data]

    $id_servidor = Session::get('id_servidor');

    foreach ($adicionais as $i => $adicional) {

        $dt_adicional = \DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $adicional)->format('Y-m-d');

        $adici = $adi::create(array(
            'id_servidor' => $id_servidor,
            'dt_adicional' => $dt_adicional,

And below my view:

@foreach ($datas as $i=>$data)
    <div class="col-md-3">
        <div class="form-check">
            <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="{{$data}}" id="dt_adicional{{$i}}" name="dt_adicional[]">
            <label class="form-check-label" for="dt_adicional{{$i}}">
        <div id="tempo{{$i}}" style="display:none">


I hope with this you can find something.

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    I will test and answer you, I thank you for the moral

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    tested here and continues with the same problem

  • 2

    Show me the whole Controller. In order to analyze.

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    ta ai o controller todo Douglas

  • 2

    @Tuliovieira, this controller you have placed is the one that returns to the view. I want the Controller that saves the data in the database. Because this is the part where you’re making the right mistake ? Or I got it wrong ?

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    is here the function that saves the data @Douglas pjuizfora

  • 2

    @Tulip tree, I put a similar case of multiple selects. But I really have no idea what’s going on.

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When retrieving data from the bank, String that was separated by comma I used the command:

explode(',', $string);

Causing String to break up But with everything she always stayed one , in the remainder.

for the solution of this I had to make a loop removing , and spaces.

$new_arr  = explode(',', $string);
    foreach($new_arr as $value)
        if($value=="," || $value==" ")

By doing this the error stopped occurring.

  • 2

    There are other ways to do this, such as the pop array_pop that will remove the last element of the array (being possible to save it into a variable, btw)

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