Create tag select by checking Jquery Checkbox


Viewed 131 times


I don’t know if what I’m thinking is viable.

I have a form that dynamically creates several checkboxes with the dates of the month. However, I need when the user checks one of these dates to create two select tags, one referring to the time and the other to the minutes.

The way I tried to do, I created several selects and at the time of passing the request it came all values of selects even those I had not selected.

I don’t know if there can be any other solution for what I want. That actually just pass the pro request values of the dates I selected.

In the image below I did using Hidden in the fields and only enabling those that are marked however, as in the second image shows it passes all other values.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Looking at the image below you can notice what I don’t want.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Is there any way that it doesn’t happen?

The way I thought was to check some date he create those specific selects and only pass the required values in the request.

Follow my code for better understanding.

@foreach ($datas as $i=>$data)
    <div class="col-md-3">
        <div class="form-check">
            <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="{{$data}}" id="dt_adicional{{$i}}" name="dt_adicional[]" onclick="Mudarestado('tempo{{$i}}')">
            <label class="form-check-label" for="dt_adicional{{$i}}">
        <div id="tempo{{$i}}" style="display:none">
            <select class="form-control form-control-sm" id="horas{{$i}}" name="horas[]">
                <option value="" selected>Horas</option>
                @for($j=0; $j <= 120; $j++)
                        <option value="{{'00'.$j}}">{{'00'.$j}}</option>
                        <option value="{{'0'.$j}}">{{'0'.$j}}</option>
                        <option value="{{$j}}">{{$j}}</option>
            <select class="form-control form-control-sm" id="minutos{{$i}}" name="minutos[]">
                <option value="" selected>Min</option>
                @for($k=0; $k <= 59; $k++)
                        <option value="{{'0'.$k}}">{{'0'.$k}}</option>
                        <option value="{{$k}}">{{$k}}</option>

I hope it’s clear what I want to do.

1 answer


You can create dynamic selects on Divs with id tempo{{$i}}. For that, leave the div empty:

<div id="tempo{{$i}}" style="display:none"></div>

Also remove this one onclick of the div dt_adicional{{$i}}:


Instead of using onclick, will be used a Event Handler for when the checkbox changes status.

The code below will add the selects in the respective Ivs when checking the box, and remove when being passed:


   $("input[id^=dt_adicional]").on("change", function(){

      // pega o número da id
      var indice =\d+/)[0];
      var sels = '', j_, k_;


         sels += '<select class="form-control form-control-sm" name="horas[]">'
         +'<option value="" selected>Horas</option>';

         for(var j=0; j <= 120; j++){

            j_ = j;

            if(j < 10){ j_ = "00"+j }
            else if(j < 100){ j_ = "0"+j }

            sels += '<option value="'+ j_ +'">'+ j_ +'</option>';

         sels += '</select>'
         +'<select class="form-control form-control-sm" name="minutos[]">'
         +'<option value="" selected>Min</option>';

         for(var k=0; k <= 59; k++){

            k_ = k;

            if(k < 10){ k_ = "0"+k }

            sels += '<option value="'+ k_ +'">'+ k_ +'</option>';

         sels += '</select>';



         // esvazia a div e esconde




In a simple test of 2 checkboxes, the result was:

"dt_adicional" => array(2) {
  string(10) "05/01/2019" <---*
  [1]=>                       |
  string(10) "10/01/2019"     |
}                             |
"horas" => array(2) {         |
  [0]=>                       |
  string(3) "010" <-----------*
  [1]=>                       |
  string(3) "018"             |
}                             |
"minutos" => array(2) {       |
  [0]=>                       |
  string(2) "09" <------------*
  string(2) "12"

Then just relate each date to your time, where the date of the index [0], for example, has the hours and minutes also in the indexes [0] arrays horas and minutos.

  • Thank you very much Sam, it worked perfectly.

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