I need to build a program where the user will be able to delete events from the event schedule, but the problem here is that when he deletes another event,I mean, after he has deleted the first one (an entire sublist/matrix, by the number indicated there next to the name), the position of the components within the matrix change position and cause the wrong component to be deleted, which the user did not enter... I only put 2 matrices here to show, but in the program there are many more.
cienciatec = [['1-Nome do evento: Introdução a Data Science', 'Categoria: Palestra', 'Dia: Terça-feira', 'Horário: 9:00', 'Local: Sala 01', 'Número de vagas: 20', 'Informações: -'],['2-Nome do evento: Educação Inclusiva e o planejamento didático-pedagógico', 'Categoria: Palestra', 'Dia: Terça-feira', 'Horário: 9:00', 'Local: Sala 02', 'Número de vagas: 20']]
while resp == 'A' or resp == 'E':
if resp == 'E':
print('Tecle o número correspondente ao evento que deseja excluir')
exclui = int(input())
#imprime os dados do evento pulando linha
for c in range(len(cienciatec)):
for i in range(len(cienciatec[c])):
#resto do programa
print('Deseja efetuar alguma tarefa?')
resp = input()