Sort a SELECT in Mysql by a letter


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How can I make a SELECT query in Mysql that sorts the results and initially displays those that start with a specific letter?

Ex with the letter P: Paul Patricia (1st ones starting with the letter) Filipe (2nd who have the letter in the middle)

  • Select records starting with the letter: Select * From tabela WHERE nome Like "P%" - Select records that have the letter in the middle: Select * From tabela WHERE nome Like "%P%"

  • Good afternoon, try this: $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM person Where name like = 'a%' AND name like = 'b%' ORDER BY ASC name");

4 answers


For that you can use POSITION() or LOCATE() (are synonymous)

SELECT   nome
FROM     pessoa
WHERE    LOCATE( 'p', nome ) > 0
ORDER BY LOCATE( 'p', nome );

Explanation: The position returns the numeric position of the substring in the desired string, effectively ordering by the proximity of the 'p' to the left end of the string.


The important thing here is this part:

ORDER BY POSITION( 'p', nome );

because to know if p is in the string, you could use a LIKE or other function.

Alternative if you want to list also those that do not have 'p':

SELECT   nome
FROM     pessoa
ORDER BY LOCATE( 'p', nome ) = 0,
         LOCATE( 'p', nome );

See both working on SQL Fiddle.


Selects everyone starting with the letter P

SELECT * FROM suatabela WHERE coluna LIKE 'p%'

Middle letter

SELECT * FROM suatabela WHERE coluna LIKE '%p%'


Starting with letter P

..... ORDER BY CASE WHEN LEFT(NomeColuna, 1) = 'P' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END, NomeColuna

Starting with letter P and then with letter P in any position

 .... Order by case WHEN LEFT(NomeColuna, 1) = 'p' then 1 else 2 end
       , case when NomeColuna LIKE '%p%' then 1 else 2 end

or ordering better

.... Order by case WHEN LEFT(NomeColuna, 1) = 'p' then 1  else 2 end
   , case when NomeColuna LIKE '%p%' then 1 else 2 end, NomeColuna

Nothing has been said about the other records that do not contain the letter P, so I assumed they should be listed last. SQL Fiddle Example


You can do this in different ways. I’ll show you two methods: 1 - Through Union

Select Nome,1 as ordem from tabela where Nome like 'P%'
Select Nome,2 as ordem from tabela where Nome like '%p%'  and Nome not like 'P%'
order by ordem, nome

The first Select brings the names starting with P and added a fixed field with heat 1.
The second Select brings names that have P in any position and that do not start with P.

Then just do the union and order through the countryside Ordem and Nome

See working on SQL Fiddle Example 1.

2 - Using a Case in the clause Order By

Select Nome from tabela where Nome like '%P%'
order by case when left(nome,1)='P' then 1 else 2 end, nome

First we select only names that have the letter p in any position and then create a sort criteria using Case. For names with P in first position the value is 1 if 2.

See working on SQL Fiddle Example 2.


Contrary to what has been said in other replies like '%p%' does not return names that have P in the middle of the word. This comparison brings names with P at any position. See: SQL Fiddle Example 3

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