Open a folder on the user’s machine and open a file (csv,txt or xls)


Viewed 790 times


How do I open a folder on the user’s machine? I need to open the folder and upload a csv, txt or xls file. I use MVC5

That would be about it. A button that clicks in the folder and then I click that would be like an upload, I think.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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    As far as I know, that’s impossible. What you can do is an Upload button, where the user selects the file and sends it to the application server, which will process the same.

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    That’s right. For security reasons it is impossible, unless the user does it through Upload.

  • And how do I do that? What I really want is to choose a file and upload it to my machine. Whether it’s by upload or not. How do I do that? Is there a way? I edited the post to illustrate.

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    When working with web applications, in the handling of external files, it is necessary to work with the input type file <input type="file"> and pass the file first to the server that is running your page and on the server working with this information, this is very simple to do I believe you are confused concepts. At this link: there is a good explanation!

  • Maria, nice Uto that you sent me. Really I was, confusing the concept and the Portuguese doesn’t help us much, ehehehe.

1 answer


  • I haven’t tested everything yet, but the post from(a) Earendul so far is matching what I want.

  • It’s not working for the Earendul example. I can’t mask the Add Files button... or make the progress bar work. The bootstrap is not cool.

  • You need to use the plugin’s Csss to apply the styles.

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