I have the following text and I have to display the words that appear most frequently per line and calculate the amount of words each line
This is a really really really cool experiment really
Cute little experiment
Will it work maybe it will work do you think it will it will
The above text is in a file test.txt. I opened the file, read the data to a string and then I went to a hash
File.foreach ("teste.txt") do |linha|
a = linha.split
p a
b = Hash[a.group_by(&:itself).map { |word, words| [word, words.size]}]
puts b
Having done this I got the following results (this interspersed the string with the hash):
["This", "is", "a", "really", "really", "really", "cool", "experiment", "really"]
{"This"=>1, "is"=>1, "a"=>1, "really"=>4, "cool"=>1, "experiment"=>1}
["Cute", "little", "experiment"]
{"Cute"=>1, "little"=>1, "experiment"=>1}
["Will", "it", "work", "maybe", "it", "will", "work", "do", "you", "think", "it", "will", "it", "will"]
{"Will"=>1, "it"=>4, "work"=>2, "maybe"=>1, "will"=>3, "do"=>1, "you"=>1, "think"=>1}
At this point I’m stuck because I’m not able to iterate on the hash, when I find the key and the value "really"=>4 From the first line I’m not being able to print the most frequent word from the bottom line (although they are all at once). I also don’t know if this is the best way to accomplish this process, but it was what I thought to try to solve.