Error in onclick


Viewed 197 times


I have a form I call the function mail() at the onclick event.

<input type="checkbox" name="MesmoEmail" value="S" id="mesmoEmail" onclick="mesmoEmail();"> Mesmo e-mail do cadastro

And Javascript is like this:

function mesmoEmail(){
  var marcado = document.getElementById('mesmoEmail');

The problem is that it is not working and in the console appears the following error:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And in the source code:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

So far when I put the code, the word Even is of another color. I am not able to identify the error.

2 answers


I identified the bug. The ID has the same function name in onclick, so I made the following change:

<input type="checkbox" name="mesmoEmail" value="S" id="mesmoEmail" onclick="mesmoEmail();"> Mesmo e-mail do cadastro


<input type="checkbox" name="MesmoEmail" value="S" id="mesmoemail" onclick="mesmoEmail();"> Mesmo e-mail do cadastro
  • 1

    Oops, I put an answer and I didn’t see that I had answered. haha

  • 1

    Another question about this problem of how Ids can cause problems is:


You can simplify it this way:

function mesmoEmail(el){
  var marcado = el.value;
<input type="checkbox" name="MesmoEmail" value="S" id="mesmoEmail" onclick="mesmoEmail(this);"> Mesmo e-mail do cadastro

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