php/html Insert various data with the same information


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I am in need of some help because I am a bit stuck on that. I have a form where I put information on a worker. Now I want to change this page to be able to insert several workers. At most up to 16 workers.


    <form method="post" action="inserir4.php"  name="dados-do-cliente" enctype="multipart/form-data">
          <h3>Nome: <input type="text" name="Nome1">  Função: <input type="text" name="Funcao1"><span style="padding-left:150px">
            <Center><h1>Documentos  Trabalhadores : </h1></center>
    <div class="major"> 
     <h2><center> <b><p>Fichas de aptidão medica:</p> </h2>
     </b>  </center>
                <center>     <h3>          Data Validade: 
               <input type="date" name="MedicaValidade"> 
             Anexar Documento: <input type="file" name="MedicaAnexo"></h3></center>
<center><button type="submit" style='width: 120px' value="enviar">Gravar</button>

and now I want to find a way for that form to be repeated until the user wishes. And whenever a new record is stored in the name of the variable +1 Example page 2:

  <form method="post" action="inserir5.php"  name="dados-do-cliente" enctype="multipart/form-data">
          <h3>Nome: <input type="text" name="Nome2">  Função: <input type="text" name="Funcao2"><span style="padding-left:150px">
            <Center><h1>Documentos  Trabalhadores : </h1></center>
    <div class="major"> 
     <h2><center> <b><p>Fichas de aptidão medica:</p> </h2>
     </b>  </center>
                <center>     <h3>          Data Validade: 
               <input type="date" name="MedicaValidade2"> 
             Anexar Documento: <input type="file" name="MedicaAnexo2"></h3></center>
  <center><button type="submit" style='width: 120px' value="enviar">Gravar</button>

At the end of the insert I put this option:

if ($sqlinsert)
echo "<script>var r = confirm('Adicionar novo trabalhador?');" .
"if (r == true) {'Trabalhadores3.html','_self','false');}" .
"else {'Equipamentos.html','_self','false');}</script>";

If you want another worker I will click yes and go to the next page if you do not want to go directly to the last page. But I have a big problem because when I go directly to the last page it will not fetch the insertion but it will fetch the insertir4 that is to add worker4

  • Want to reload the page for each new form, or appear on the same page?

  • Show the same page but to store in different places.

  • From what I understand this should be done on the client side. Have some library like Mootools or jQuery?

  • I am using php/html/mysql Workbench . I am seeing if there is such a solution as easy resolution.

  • Excuse my insistence, but I think what you need is not related to php/mysql. Do you need to fetch data from the database for each new form? Or you just need to create a new form on the page for the user to fill in?

  • For example the user has 3 workers and wants to enter them. I want the same form to appear for the 3 workers. The only thing that varies are the places that are stored

  • This is what you seek?

  • Yes something like that. When I make a new worker appear on a new page, it is not a very long page. Have a save button at the end of each page and then ask new user?

  • In the comments above you wrote "Show the same page but to store in different places.". But do you want me to save the first form and reload the page with a new form? Then this can be done on the server side. You can join the full HTML with the <form> also?

  • I already put the form. In the worker1 appear name1, functionõ1, medical fitness data1 and worker2 Nome2,function2, medical fitness data2

  • Reload a page with a new form.

  • There is an easier way than creating 16 pages of correct registration?

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2 answers



You can create a PHP loop to generate the form’s HTML fields, for example:

<form method="post" action="inserir5.php"  name="dados-do-cliente" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    $qtd = 16; //A quantidade de formulários
    for ($i=1; $i<=$qtd; $i++) {
<h3>Nome: <input type="text" name="Nome<?=$i?>"></h3>
<h3>Função: <input type="text" name="Funcao<?=$i?>"><span style="padding-left:150px"></h3>
<Center><h1>Documentos  Trabalhadores : </h1></center>
<div class="major" align="center"> 
   <h2>Fichas de aptidão medica:</h2>
   <h3>Data Validade: <input type="date" name="MedicaValidade<?=$i?>"></h3> 
   <h3>Anexar Documento: <input type="file" name="MedicaAnexo<?=$i?>"></h3>
<center><button type="submit" style='width: 120px' value="enviar">Gravar</button></center>

Good luck.

  • For example if you only want to put 6 workers. How can I put a button to ask if I want more users?

  • Well, in this case, you’d better use AJAX, jQuery, or something like that. I’ll see if I can find a code I made for something similar. If you find I put for you.


Well, to solve the problem proposed in your comment, you can do as follows: 1 - First, include on your form page, the newest version of the jQuery library. 2 - Your form will be as follows:

<form method="post" action="inserir5.php"  name="dados-do-cliente" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div id="container">
            <td align="center" colspan="2"><h1>Trabalhadores:</h1></td>
            <td>Nome: </td>
            <td><input type="text" name="nome_1"/></td>
            <td>Função: </td>
            <td><input type="text" name="funcao_1"/></td>
            <td align="center" colspan="2"><h1>Documentos  Trabalhadores: </h1></td>
            <td colspan="2"><h2>Fichas de aptidão medica:</h2></td>
            <td>Data Validade: </td>
            <td><input type="date" name="MedicaValidade_1"/></td>
            <td>Anexar Documento: </td>
            <td><input type="file" name="MedicaAnexo_1"/></td>
<p><input type="submit" style='width: 120px' value="Gravar"/></p>
<p><input type="button" name="add" id="add" value="Adicionar"/></p>

Your JS script to dynamically add the elements will look like this:

var i = 1;
    var table = '<br>';
    table +=     '<table>'
    table +=         '<tr>'
    table +=             '<td align="center" colspan="2"><h1>Trabalhadores:</h1></td>'
    table +=         '</tr>'
    table +=         '<tr>'
    table +=             '<td>Nome: </td>'
    table +=             '<td><input type="text" name="nome_'+i+'"/></td>'
    table +=         '</tr>'
    table +=         '<tr>'
    table +=             '<td>Função: </td>'
    table +=             '<td><input type="text" name="funcao_'+i+'"/></td>'
    table +=         '</tr>'
    table +=         '<tr>'
    table +=             '<td align="center" colspan="2"><h1>Documentos  Trabalhadores: </h1></td>'
    table +=         '</tr>'
    table +=         '<tr id="fichas_aptidao">'
    table +=             '<td colspan="2"><h2>Fichas de aptidão medica:</h2></td>'
    table +=         '</tr>'
    table +=         '<tr>'
    table +=             '<td>Data Validade: </td>'
    table +=             '<td><input type="date" name="MedicaValidade_'+i+'"/></td>'
    table +=         '</tr>'
    table +=         '<tr>'
    table +=             '<td>Anexar Documento: </td>'
    table +=             '<td><input type="file" name="MedicaAnexo_'+i+'"/></td>'
    table +=         '</tr>'
    table +=     '</table>'   

See the execution of this code in the link below:

This is a very simple but functional solution for what you need. It is important to remember that it will take a certain care to handle receiving this data from the PHP side.

Good luck.

  • and if I create the various pages doesn’t get easier? I’m having a problem opening the pages and saving the data

  • I changed the question one of the changes I made

  • If you are going to enter the same information, but from different people, wouldn’t it be better to have a single PHP page that processes the data and a single form to include the worker data? A JS script would ask if you want to include a new worker. If you choose the 'Yes' option it would call a PHP page to save the information of the worker you entered and clear the form to enter the next person’s data. Otherwise, it would point to another page, perhaps to a later step. That’s it?

  • That’s right. I don’t want to have everything on one page not to make the page huge

  • OK. I’ll think of something like this and put it to you... today it won’t work because I’m very busy, but I’ll do it as soon as possible.

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