Error giving the npm install command


Viewed 867 times


jean@jnotepc:/var/www/html/app_agenda/_views/css$: npm install
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open     '/var/www/html/app_agenda/_views/css/package.json'
npm WARN css No description
npm WARN css No repository field.
npm WARN css No README data
npm WARN css No license field.

What Should I Do?

  • 3

    I think you’re running mpm install in an app subdirectory, not the app root...

2 answers


The current folder does not have a file named package.json. You are probably in the wrong folder. I believe the correct folder is app_agenda. Try:

cd ../..

and then:

npm install


/var/www/html/app_agenda/_views/css$: npm install

You are not in the right folder, try running the command in the folder where the file exists packages.json

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