How to disable responsive from a css site


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Hello, I wonder if it is possible to disable the responsive of a site in jquery without changing the codes for example force the desktop version on mobile devices!

thank you in advance!

  • 1

    If you have configured in CSS, in Medias Queries, I think there is no way.

  • Has this meta tag on your head: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">? If so, try taking and see what happens

  • 1

    I’d say more, try it like this: <meta name="viewport" content="width=1280">

  • if I remove the tags <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> it takes the responsive only that the menu of this on android on windows phone it works normally

2 answers


Responsiveness is one thing and adaptive is another, you have to make sure what you’re using, in case of responsiveness there’s no way without touching any part of the code, you can for example adjust the width of the <body>, add something like:

body {
    min-width: 1024px !important; /* força largura minima de 1024px*/

This way you don’t need to touch anything in the code, just add or remove this element.

Some responsive effects work through view-port size and not element size <body>, but for most "frameworks" like (bootstrap2 and 3) almost everything is based on the width of the "parent" element where the class elements are col- for example.

If the site is adaptive the only way is to determine what causes it to display alternative HTML and CSS.


Man, I think it’s gonna depend a lot on how you’re developing your CSS. Search for CSS3 @media Rule. You can apply style only when it is a desktop, printer, projector, mobile phone, etc. And it has tbm style per screen size. In this case, you would apply style only when the user screen is larger or smaller than a certain size (vc specifies in @media).

  • 1

    -1 for weak response, try comments. Most answers should have at least one example or code.

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