I’m here because I’m having trouble doing a search like any other with <input text>
and "search" button only with the tag <select>
where they contain in each <option>
to value
respective of the research. The question is in jQuery because in php I’m turning here, MVC model system, I hope I can with this question help other members.
Here is the html:
<div class='fba_campo'>
<input type="text" name="pesquisa" id="pesquisa_faq" placeholder="<?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Pesquisar")?>" class='faq_wh_100'>
<select name='' id='faq_options' class='faq_wh_100'>
<option value='0'><?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Todos")?></option>
<option value='Guia'><?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Guia")?></option>
<option value='Materiais'><?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Materiais")?></option>
<option value='Produtos'><?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Produtos")?></option>
<option value='Vídeos'><?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Vídeos")?></option>
<div class='fba_button'>
<input type="button" id="faq_bt_pesquisar" value='<?=$i->getFormularioIdioma("Pesquisar")?>' class='faq_wh_100'>
And the div
that will receive the values of the research is this .hide()
<div id="tabela_pesquisa">
<h2 id="h2_transicao_faq" style="color:black;"></h2>
<center><img src="<?=$url?>control/img/inwhats/loading_big.gif" id="loading_big_faqpesquisa" style="display: none;"></center>
<table class="tabela_faq">
And here is the javascript:
var resposta = eval(data);
if(resposta.length > 0){
var html = "";
for(var b = 0;b < resposta.length;b++){
html += "<tr>";
html += "<td>"+resposta[b]['pergunta']+"</td>";
html += "</tr>";
}, 2000);
Here is the controller in php:
public function ajaxCarregapesquisafaq(){
$filtro = $_POST['filtro'];
if($filtro == "Guia" || $filtro == "0"){
$obj_cat = new daoCategoria();
$cat = $obj_cat->Where(" ica_nome LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' OR ica_codigo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' ")->Consultar();
$categorias = array();
foreach($cat as $ct){
$categorias = array("categoria"=>utf8_encode($ct['ica_nome']),"codigocat"=>$ct['ica_codigo']);
echo json_encode($categoria);
}elseif($filtro == "Materiais"){
$obj_mat = new daoMaterial();
$mat = $obj_mat->Where(" ima_titulo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' OR ima_codigo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' ")->Consultar();
$materiais = array();
foreach($mat as $mt){
$materiais[] = array("material"=>utf8_encode($mt['ima_titulo']),"codigomat"=>$mt['ima_codigo']);
echo json_encode($material);
}elseif($filtro == "Produtos"){
$obj_pro = new daoProduto();
$pro = $obj_pro->Where(" ipd_descricao LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' OR ipd_codigo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' ")->Consultar();
$produtos = array();
foreach($pro as $pd){
$produtos[] = array("produto"=>utf8_encode($pd['ipd_descricao']),"codigopd"=>$pd['ipd_codigo']);
echo json_encode($produtos);
}elseif($filtro == "Videos"){
$obj_vid = new daoVideo();
$vid = $obj_vid->Where(" ive_titulo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' OR ive_codigo LIKE '%".$_POST['pesquisa']."%' ")->Consultar();
$videos = array();
foreach($vid as $vd){
$videos[] = array("video"=>utf8_encode($vd['ive_titulo']),"codigovid"=>$vd['ive_codigo']);
echo json_encode($videos);
echo json_encode(array("resultado"=>"erro"));
Thank you very much, sorry the javascript is incomplete because I’m still checking but I would like you to help me with opinions too, any help is welcome, thanks again!
I don’t understand exactly what you need to do. When the button is clicked, what value you need to send to PHP?
– BrTkCa
When clicked on search the text to be searched has to be respective to the value of the tag select to search in the respective table, understand? thanks for the time :)
– Lucas Pereira
@Mauroalexandre thank you , now I need to do the search in the respective database related to the option selected, because each option has the name of a table that contains data to be searched, again thank you for your time to help me.
– Lucas Pereira
@Lucaspereira because you have this line
? I don’t see that anywhereform
? is a+i that you want to have the right select value? then you should have it there$('#faq_options').val()
– Sergio
@Sergio the tag form this but does not include in the question, sorry
– Lucas Pereira
<form method="post" id="form_search" autocomplete="off">
– Lucas Pereira
thanks for your help, you helped me a lot, I managed to find a meiod and do and soon I will post here the resolution ok hugs thanks again for the help.
– Lucas Pereira