Update a Combobox after opening Qdialog


Viewed 63 times


How do I update a Combobox after opening a Qdialog?

The code below does not update if you have an update in db. I have to close the application and open to show the new data:


void Dialog::carrega_comboBox(){
  • You must then call the carrega_comboBox() whenever you change something in DB. Or use a model for compobox.

  • @William Bernal has some way of calling the carregar_comboBox() when I open the QDialog? It’s better than binding in other class.

  • Implement your function show() { carregar_comboBox(); QDialog::show(); }.

  • Thanks. I got it working :)

  • @Guilhermebernal gives an answer so we can vote.

1 answer


From what I understand you need the function carregar_comboBox() always be called before the dialog is shown on the screen. A simple solution is to re-implement the function show() overwriting the QDialog::show():

class SeuDialog : public QDialog {

    \* ... *\


     // Sempre que alguém chamar essa função para mostrar a dialog...
     void show() {
         carregar_comboBox(); // Primeiro carregue sua ComboBox
         QDialog::show();     // Somente depois mostre de fato a dialog

It would also be interesting to implement showMaximized() similarly so that the behavior is consistent.

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