Netbeans Error: org package does not exist


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I am developing a desktop application using netbeans. I spent a few months without touching the project, and when I open it again I get the message that the org package does not exist. I’ve already deleted the Netbeans Cache folder, updated, updated the java, and nothing. Someone can help me?

After restarting the IDE the problem continues. Interestingly, the error is only in the main class, in the other classes there is no error. Will need to redo all this class from 0 using relative layout?



  • Which org package? Add eerro exactly as it appears to you in the question.

  • Which JDK version of your project?

  • is in version jdk1.8.0_65

  • Check if you added the lib below correctly, see if it is in the correct project classpath. It was not for the error is happening after adding it, the class quoted is in the lib that I indicated for addition.

  • Mano the classpathda library is empty, has nothing.. while others have the directory. Iai?

  • Adds the lib of the answer. The error will disappear only when lib is added in the classpath. Look at the properties of your project, the procedure is similar to the answer.

  • I solved as follows: I downloaded the library classpath here: and imported it to my library Absolutelayout. You’re in good shape now.

  • Good then :) But it’s very strange that the netbeans lib is the same one you downloaded the part from there. I even simulated the problem here by removing the lib, the project made the same mistakes as yours, then added and went back to normal. Try reinstalling your netbeans or downloading the latest version(8.1) to avoid this issue in the future.

  • I had already installed the latest version to try to solve and nothing.. the only way was this kk

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1 answer


Check if in the classpath of your project, there is lib AbsoluteLayout, it is automatically added every time you create a java project in netbeans (at least until version jdk 7).

Expand your project and right-click the folder Libraries. Then click on the option Add Library,

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

and select AbsoluteLayout on the list.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

After that, the lib should stay this way in your project:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I have done what you propose, I can follow all the steps, but the library is not added. You need to restart netbeans after library addition?

  • This alone solves the problem, but if your project is not configured to compile automatically, or you can simply run the project.

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