Set click for elements not yet existing


Viewed 76 times




  $li = $("<li class='item'>LI "+count+"</li>");
<script src=""></script>
<li class='item'>LI 0</li>
<li id='new'>+ Adicionar li</li>

I made a simple code above to demonstrate the problem in question.

As you can see, after a new element <li> be added it does not inherit the click event that was set before in the code

How could I make him inherit this event without having to set it up again every time <li> is added?

  • 1

    you must set to class="item" in the read that this adding

  • @Guilhermelautert you were right, really forgot to add. but as tested before had no effect at all. I changed now and continued the same problem

  • @Sergio, I don’t really know if it was a duplicate...

  • @Silvioandorinha this question has very complete answers about the delegation problem. If it is not this can be this or this or others with the same problem.

1 answer


in this case you can use the event on on the ul and pass the li as second parameter.

$("ul").on('click', '.item', function(){

in the above example, it will apply the event click for all elements with the class .item pertaining to ul, idenpedent of the .item already exist or not.

$("ul").on('click', '.item', function(event){


  $li = $("<li class='item'>LI "+count+"</li>");
<script src=""></script>
<li class='item'>LI 0</li>
<li id='new'>+ Adicionar li</li>

  • Yes yes! That’s right, it worked perfectly. Thank you!

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