Subconsulta in Lambda


Viewed 376 times


I would like to do a sub-query today on SQL:

SELECT        intid as IDCliente,
                             (SELECT        TOP (1) int_EP
                               FROM            tbl_estagioprocesso
                               WHERE        (int_IDC = tbl_Admin.intid)
                               ORDER BY int_ID DESC) AS int_EP
FROM            tbl_Admin WITH (nolock)
WHERE        ((SELECT        TOP (1) int_EP
                            FROM            tbl_estagioprocesso AS tbl_estagioprocesso_1
                            WHERE        (int_IDC = tbl_Admin.intid)
                            ORDER BY int_ID DESC) = 4)

In case I do a select in the clients table where in the stage table the last int_EP is=4 (or the variable you want)

The query below also returns similar (not done with query in the client table)

SET @ep = 4;

WITH CTE_Processos AS (
    FROM tbl_estagioprocesso

SELECT [int_IDC] FROM CTE_Processos WHERE Ordem = 1 AND [int_EP] = @ep;

Now how to do in Lambda or Linq?

My Model:

public class EstagioProcesso
    public int EpId { get; set; }

    public int ClienteId { get; set; }

    public byte EP { get; set; }

    public DateTime Data { get; set; }

    public int IdFuncionario { get; set; }

    public virtual Cliente Cliente { get; set; }

How I tried the consultation:

var epClientes = db.EstagioProcess
                .Include(etapa => etapa.Cliente)
                .GroupBy(etapa => etapa.ClienteId)
                .Where(grupo => grupo
                    .OrderByDescending(etapa => etapa.EpId).Take(1)
                    .Select(etapa => etapa.EP)
                    .FirstOrDefault() == id);

            var EP = new List<EstagioProcesso>();
            foreach (var epCliente in epClientes)

Data from my SQL

Dados do meu SQL


int_ID (autonumeravel)
int_IDC (ClienteId)
int_EP (Id do Estagio do Processo)

That is, it should only bring the record int_ID=8718, because the int_IDC (Idclient) it has 3 records but the last EP is in 4.

What the consultation should do: Return the last client process step, that is, the client may have several, but which one is the last (TOP 1 ...order by ID DESC)

In my query he returns the 3 records. Com ID 4, ele retorna todos registros do cliente With Id=4, ok it finds, but brings all records (3) should only bring the int_ID=8718

Com Id=2 ele não encontra resultado (ok, esperado) With Id=2 it does not find result, ok correct :)

Sorry the question got big, but I wanted to show you the whole process. This question is already an update of my initial question: Lambda, Where com subconsulta

  • My client can go through the process stage that goes from 1 to 10, with several orders, like goes to 1, then to 7, back to 4, anyway, I need to identify in which Stage he is:

  • you have already tried to do in two steps, first get the data from tbl_internship and then tbl_Admin ?

  • No, I could give a basic example?

  • you can pass the design of your tables.

  • have tried using Sql Profile?

  • pass your relevant Entity.Cs files.

  • I put my SQL print and my model shows the names of the SQL fields

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2 answers


you can do so:

var processos = 
    from processo in db.EstagioProcess
    group new { 
        ClienteId = processo.ClienteId, 
        EpId = processo.EpId, 
        EP = processo.EP 
    } by processo.ClienteId into grupo
    select grupo.OrderByDescending(processo => processo.EpId).FirstOrDefault();

var clientes = 
    from processo in processos
    where processo.EP == 4
    select processo.ClienteId
  • I think the Where process.EP = 4 is with 2== ? I will test and warning

  • and in var clients,.. is var clients = from process in db.Internships?

  • I even understood its logic, but it didn’t work...after I tried a client.toList() Message = "The method 'First' can only be used as a final query Operation. Consider using the method 'Firstordefault' in this instance Instead."

  • @Dorathoto, it really was "=="... but the rest is right.

  • @Dorathoto, I did an update


Select the last (largest) step for each customer:

var query = from regAdmin in db.tbl_Admin
            select new {
                  Cliente = regAdmin,
                  EtapaAtual = (from regEtapa in db.tbl_estagioprocesso
                                where regEtapa.ClienteId == regAdmin.Id
                                orderby regEtapa.EP descending
                                select regEtapa.EP).FirstOrDefault()

Select only clients that are in a specific step (from the variable containing the query created above):

var clientesNaEtapaQuatro = (from clienteEtapa in query
                             where clienteEtapa.EtapaAtual == 4
                             select clienteEtapa.Cliente).ToList()

Note: The above queries are not equivalent to the SQL you posted, but should give you a north. As you did not have the schema for the entity tbl_Admin, I kicked the name of the fields in this table.

  • From what I understood the first I return all customers and another column called etapaAtual and in the second I check on this result generated which is in step=4? returned empty...I will check the pq.

  • That’s right. Here’s the idea. Check which SQL it’s generating - you might have some extra adjustments to make.

  • found the error: orderby regEtapa.Epid Descending dai worked (it has to sort by this field which is the autonumerable of the table in descending order.. However, isn’t this whole process too much work? Search my 10,000 customers ? in the internship table...

  • @Dorathoto: Note that in my example, the query will only be executed when the Tolist() method is called (second part of the code). In other words, the two snippets form an SQL query only to be sent to the database. I don’t think it is a great difficulty for SQL Server to process this - but it is a case of evaluating.

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