Most voted "image" questions
An image is the visual representation of an object through techniques of photography, painting, drawing, video or other disciplines.
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viewsImage recognition/icone/figure on own python computer screen
I’m starting a study on image recognition, I got to work with Opencv I did some basic tests of face recognition and some objects that already come in the library, I would like to capture the screen…
viewsHow to change an image in the database by ID?
Hey, everything cool with you guys? I recently started a form where some information is sent to the database, but when I edit some information it changes everything except the image, before it only…
viewsHow do I program an insert image button?
I want an "Insert image" button and when you click on it, right on top of it the inserted image appears (Taken from pc), you do not need to save the information, or anything, just make the image…
viewsSize of the Javascript Image
Good evening guys, I’m having a problem in javascript which is as follows: I need to dynamically create div in a for and put an image in these Ivs, I was able to do this with the following code:…
viewsHow to make a menu with all gray background?
I want to make a menu like this in the photo only with a gray background. Css code: #menu ul{ position:absolute; list-style:none; text-transform:uppercase; left:-40px; top:54%; } li{ margin:-20px…
viewsImage upload rotates vertical image
I have a script that uploads the images and creates 2 files: width 1200 and width 50. It works normally, but when the photo is vertical (height greater than width) it rotates the image in upload…
viewsDoubt about images on Android
images should be in the drawable or mipmap folder in my Android project? I’ve been using the mipmap folder. There is some difference in using these folders in an Android project?
viewsAnd when the overflow doesn’t work?
I’m working with some images with a zoom effect using transform: scale(x);. But when you zoom in, especially on mobile, the image goes beyond the side container. So it doesn’t appear in itself but…
viewsImage does not load into HTML
<html> <head> <title>equipe setembro</title> </head> <body> <b><p align=center><font face="verdana" size="7" color="#1C1C1C">Equipe…
viewsHow to pick up images within a post in "the loop" (wordpress)?
The intention would be to make cards like this from the last posts, Catching the first image of the post this all inside a "the loop". Chunks of the codex I tried, but it didn’t work: index php.:…
viewsHow do I change by vba the height of an image in Powerpoint WITHOUT changing the width?
In my code I do so to make the width of my image equal to the slide, but this way changes the height proportionally, and I do not want this. 'Criar Slide 2 Set ppSlide = Apr.Slides.Add(2,…
viewsVBA Code Adaptation to fetch photos from a folder
Good afternoon. I have a macro, which searches a spreadsheet for the name of the photo (e.g., IMG0102.JPG), searches a predefined folder for the related photo and inserts it into the cell that bears…
viewsHow do I make the image 100% on the screen?
I have a website in development. Then I want it to be on the whole screen, it’s to be a responsive site, I’m using the bootstrap... It only gets full screen if I zoom 150%: Example:…
viewsPassing $_FILES in a registration function
Well, I’m thinking about a way to register items in a database, but I thought: "and if the item has an image ?" So I wrote a script to send this image, however, I don’t know if it’s correct or not…
viewsPDF generated with iTextSharp adding image gets bad quality
I have an image file that I need to pass to PDF and for this I am using the iTextSharp. So I’m trying this way: private static void Main(string[] args) { using (var stream = new…
viewsSwap image src with PHP / HTML variable
If anyone can help me, I’d appreciate it. I would like to create a structure where the file path is replaced by a button that changes the image number, thus: Variable XXX = image number…
viewsSlidershow Carrousel Video And Image
I have a slide with 3 images and a video that is at the beginning, I need to make the video stay until the end, however it is passing to the next images and if you click to go back and display it is…
viewsImage not saved in directory
You guys, good morning, I’m having a little problem, simple but boring, I have a form that sends some information and images, and this form is editable, the information is changed perfectly, I’m…
viewsPHP Insert image in Xampp Mysql database
I’m trying to put an image in the bank MySql via PHP, actually the path of it, after moving the picture to a folder at the root. I’m using xampp. All the codes I have tested normally enter the other…
viewsHow to upload an image, but save it with the name based on customer data?
I would like the user to upload his photo, but when saving, I would like it to be saved with the same name as the client’s CPF. Today I can save the image in a folder, but it comes with the name…
viewsProblem aligning buttons with image, in a widget, using pyqt5 graphical library
I am trying to create a screen with a background image and two buttons (ok and Cancel) with press/drop effect using the graphical library pyqt5, of the programming language python, however, I have…
viewsHow to place images next to each other in columns?
I want to leave the images right next to each other with the same size of margins and columns etc. How do I? .w3grayscale { margin-bottom: 120px; width: 200px; margin: 10px; position: relative;…
viewsProblem insert into Mariadb database images
I am using Mariadb and a LONGBLOB field to store my images, when I have insert small images (300KB or less) normally inserts, however larger images that this gives this error here: Mariadb [-1]…
viewsImage does not appear in Flatlist React Native
Hello, I’m trying to put together a list with some elements inside it but the image element does not appear but returns the right image size. I created an array with the data I want to show, then…
viewsSwing - Include images in JAR file
I have a project in JAVA, which has a graphical interface with a screen, developed with the Swing. I have 2 images, background and favicon, which are in the package: [code]br with drsolutions…
viewsReact Native upload image network error
I’m having a problem uploading images using React Native, when I select the image the application returns a network error. My code: state = { avatarSource: null, isUploading: false } selectImage =…
viewsDownload a Jira image with nodejs using authorization
Good afternoon, I need to download a profile image of Jira via REST. I can, but jira sends me an image referencing that I don’t have permission to see it (example of how the image is downloaded:…
viewsI’m not able to render Image with Image - React-Native
Sirs(s). When I write like that: <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <Button title="Pick an image from camera roll" onPress={pickImage} /> {image…
viewsImage based on the content of a div
I need to display an image based on the content of a div. The tag already exists and I need to discard the one that was loaded and replace it with the new tag with the image in question. Let me give…
viewsHow can I create images with various sizes in wordpress (in the upload folder) by inserting images manually?
Good, I’m migrating a bootstrap news website to wordpress, I’ve already made the site and uploaded all posts and images, but the images only have a single size (there are not several replicates of…
viewsHow to make an image mapping responsive?
<img id="Imag" usemap="#Calculadora" width="100%" height="auto" src="Calculadora.png"> <map name="Calculadora"> <area class="mapa" onclick="teste()" coords="252,953,647,1379"…
viewsBugle margins in CSS
I’m trying to put an edge on an image, but the result is that the margin extends across the horizontal of the page, as shown in the print. The idea is that the margin is around the image and its…
viewsSend Photo to Telegram Bot Python
all good? I am developing a bot in Python. However, in my code I am not able to make him reply with photos. Only message. Ex. I would like to send the message "photo" and the bot send a photo. Can…
viewsHow to plot graphics and images . png in the same window with openGL and SDL
I have done some search, in manuals and such on google however I would like to know how to adapt my code below to plot a chart (line for example) along with a file image .png. I do not know where I…
viewsImage does not appear React-Active
I’m starting in React-On, so I was making an App watching a video, and when I went to put an image it didn’t appear, I put it inside a folder, and when I put the image path doesn’t appear anything.…
viewsImage does not appear React-Active
I’m starting in React-On, so I was making an App watching a video, and when I went to put an image it didn’t appear, I put it inside a folder, and when I put the image path doesn’t appear anything.…
viewsMautic insert image into Email body
This is the message I sent to several sites: nothing yet.... I am a user with little experience in the use of mautic and I already have a big problem to solve by attending an Ong that works with…
viewsImage exchange using js
I’m trying to change the image according to the schedules but it’s not working someone can help me? the images are respective to their schedules, follow the code right down <body…
viewsc# problems in calling screens that even the teacher could not solve
Mens, I’m taking a DS technical course, I’m in the TCM phase and I was wondering if you can solve or help me with this problem: Next: I am doing a CRUD in c# win Forms and I came across an error…
viewsWhen generating an image, I just want to visualize it and not save it
When using this code I save the image, but instead of saving I just want to visualize it. String key = "Lucão MC"; BufferedImage bufferedImage = File("recibo.png")); Graphics…
viewsImages with PHP
Hello guys I’m working with a band’s website and I need to make your latest instagram photos appear in a certain area of their site, could you give me some idea of how to do this? I cannot…
viewsWhy do I need to enter the full address? <img src...>
I’m trying to make my first website. At the moment I do not understand why, when inserting images I have to insert the full address, since in all blogs and HTML sites, this is not necessary. The…
viewsHow to use "background-image" correctly?
This command below is what I use in the current MENU of my Blog, however I would like to change the look and put a background image in the MENU. how do I do this using "background-image"? where do I…
viewsHow to manipulate images? HTML5/CSS3/PHP/JS
I am developing a web site for a real estate and we display photos of various properties with carousel and other exhibitions, however the site is heavy because of the photos and I do not know what…
viewsImage loading with the Picasso implementation on android
I am using the Picasso implementation to upload the images in my application. However, I am using the reverie effect of the shimmerfacebook implementation to make the layout more user-friendly. For…
viewsSearch an image in a Mysql database with php and then save that image to another table in the same database
I am making an application to save images, when the user does not choose any image is saved in the database a default image that is selected in another table of the database, but when saving the…
viewsHeadline image does not appear when I share the link via Whatsapp
Is anyone having trouble displaying featured photo (those thumbnails) news when sharing on Whatsapp? I have two sites - one works perfectly when there is news sharing, and the other only works when…
viewsUpload multiple photos using image path (PHP and Mysql)
Well, I’m having a hard time taking the photo that the user chooses on the computer and playing in the database and then throwing it in a folder created in my project so that I can display the…
viewsJava Language - Undo and Redo functions
I’m doing a project where I develop functions to apply effects to photos (such as Contrast, Vignette, Sepia...). As I apply effects to photos, the various states of the photos are being stored in an…