Most voted "image" questions
An image is the visual representation of an object through techniques of photography, painting, drawing, video or other disciplines.
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viewsUpload file (image), with PHP to send to AWS S3
Currently I have a script that I get the image from a post like this: $amazonS3 = new AmazonAwsS3; $amazonS3->uploadFile($_FILES['anexo']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['anexo']['name'],…
viewshow to position image accurately
Hello I would like to know how to correctly position the image in the center of canvass with precision? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8">…
viewsError when an image is loaded into a second Tkinter - Python window
Hello, I’m developing a small program using tkinter, where, in the first window there is a button that opens a second window where there is an image. However, the program does not carry this image,…
viewsHow to align 4 Divs with image
How do I align my texts and images side by side as this way below: I researched and tested several ways to align and could not. Currently it is like this: The code I used to do this is this: <div…
viewsHow to change to next image by clicking and dragging with mouse or finger?
I need a help on a code, on the products page of my site has a featured image and some Thumbs below, when I click on some Thumb the image appears in the highlighted part using addclass removeclass…
viewsImage upload with transparent background
I am idealizing a system in which the user should upload an image, but this image should be with the transparent background, because I want to use it to over by another image. I don’t know how to do…
imageasked 9 years, 2 months ago Indaiara Ribeiro 113 -
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viewsHow do I display this image on my React site?
I created a Rest API to return an image of my Amazon S3 Bucket. but the image came in a strange format and I can’t see it on my page. The strange thing is that when I perform a get on Postman the…
viewsHence, trademark rights
Well, many of you may think that this is not the place to post this, I thought that some time ago, but come on. I’m a programmer, I make websites, and I haven’t attended any copyright courses yet. I…
viewsSuperimpose one <div> to the other keeping them aligned to a third <div>
Hello I have a problem to align overlay two images. There are two images A and B, and B should be on top of A and both aligned at the bottom of another div that is in the center of the page. I’ll…
viewsHTML image does not want to appear
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport"…
viewsI’m trying to remove this white line between the dog’s nose and the cyan bottom, if anyone can help, I’d appreciate it!
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; Outline: 0; } html { font-size: 62.5%; } body { height: 100vh; font-size: 1.6rem; font-family: Comfortaa, sans-Serif; background-color: #f2f3f7; } header H2 { padding-top:…
viewsImage overlaps with open menu
Good evening everyone. I’m making my portfolio, and I realized that when I open the side menu, an image overlaps. That way: Here’s my CSS (I made it with Sass): .sessao-formacoes { background-color:…