Most voted "html" questions
Use this tag when the question refers to some resource, information or problem related exclusively to the HTML language (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the main markup language used to structure web pages and format content. The latest revision of the HTML specification is HTML5.
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viewsHow to pass SELECT output to JSON?
I need to take the result of a query in the Database (made by a select), and insert it into a JSON file to receive the JSON file in Javascript and manipulate the data. I tried something like:…
viewsWhen I select one of the drop-down checkbox options created from D3.js instead of returning the correct value, it delivers Undefined
The code below is totally usual and was created via Visual Studio Code ( and the test page is created via Live Server Extension…
viewsHow to make pagination when queries are in an external file?
I need to make the pagination of my page, I already did once, but I had the queries on the screen and I could apply LIMIT, but in this other project the queries are in another file and the results…
viewsI couldn’t get the buttons to work, I want them to pass the images
<div class="carousel"> <div class="carouselbox"> <img src="./imagem/mini1.jpg" class="item" align="left" border="5" /> <img src="./imagem/mini2.jpg" class="item" align="left"…
viewsFind information from my HMTL via Javascript in Google Script. error(Document is not defined)
Good afternoon guys. It’s my first post, but I always come here to seek knowledge. today I’m having a problem that the copilator of google script does not see a command to trigger a Function. When…
viewsedges around items
hello, I am developing a site in html and css and I want to put a header with a logo and below that a navigation menu but whenever I put the elements are some white borders around have a solution…
viewsfloating form box on the Carousel (how to do
Friends, I need help. I’m taking a test for dev. And I need to put the form box fixed on top of Carousel but I’ve already researched everything and I couldn’t. I wonder if you could help me? I…
viewsHow to organize the development of a project
I ask in a very comprehensive way applied to both Desktop and Web, if the methods are very different, I ask you to guide me. I have some clients, and over the course of a few months, I see that…
viewsHow can I take the value of a text and print on the screen
I am trying to print a value that was typed by user from a textfield, for example a name field. But after I get it, I want to print that name.
viewsWarp Shadow - CSS
I’m trying to make a warp shadow effect on my div but I’m not getting it, someone can help me?
viewsChecklistbox using bootstrap
I need to create a checklistbox using bootstrap. I tried several ways and could not. I searched on the bootstrap site and the examples there, I did not cosegui also do here in my project. I need…
viewsTable shows neither rows nor columns with bootstrap
I’m trying to make a table with bootstrap. It turns out that some things don’t work. The size of the TD’s are always the same. I can’t create rows to separate rows and columns, like a grid. I took a…
viewsJavascript, hit sequence of numbers
I don’t know why it’s not working: <input type="text" id="numero"/> <input type="submit" id="adivinha" value="compare com meu segredo"/> <script> var segredo=[1,2,5,6,11,12,15,16];…
viewsHow to redirect form to a verification code?
When the user clicks on "Sign up", the service asks you to enter the security verification words. If you cannot read what is written, you can click on the "Try different words" link, or you can…
viewsLimit div html
I am printing a contents of an array into a div. The problem is that when the array has multiple data it passes to div. $titles = ""; foreach($array_resultados as $key =>$value){ $titles .=…
viewsDropdown Nav, with menu and submenus centered: what mistake am I making?
I have a small problem centering a submenu of a dropdown menu. The following example is quite simple, but it illustrates my problem: <ul id="menu"> <li>Menu1 <li>Menu2 <ul>…
viewsClear select and input fields
I have a form, and when I click "Redo Search" I want it to clear all fields. HTML? <form action="" class=""> <ul class="dropdown"> <li> <input type="checkbox" <?php echo…
htmlasked 10 years ago Felipe Viero Goulart 3,693 -
viewsError: Undefined index
I have this code and you give me the following mistake: Notice: Undefined index: ID in <? require('../members/inc/config.php'); require('../lib/framework.php'); // load the configuration file.…
viewsTag DIV exceeding width
I have my portfolio and I have some <div> is estourando the width, but not found. Link to the website in the image the overflow…
viewsI want to test my test site on my tablet and wanted to know how
I wanted to test directly on a mobile device, to clear my doubts !
htmlasked 9 years, 4 months ago Gilmar Santos 1,371 -
viewsHow to organize PHP and HTML code to make an e-commerce?
I’m doing an e-commerce and I finished planning the site. The site will have to be registered before buying the products, which will be made using Paypal. My question is: I do the pages with login…
viewsUse HTML div and store it as a variable
I have a playful web page, on which there are 2 Ivs, and on a PHP page, I would like to add a word to them, the array rand I already know how to do, the problem is time to take the HTML Divs and…
viewsLink without using href
Is there any way to use links without the tag <a href>. For example <a href="exemplo">exemplo</a> there’s another way to do this?
viewshow to log in divided into two parts?
What I want to do is kind of a bank login system with two passwords, the first part I’ve done, so I wanted to take the login to parte 2 where he asks the senha 2 and the nome do usuario. In case he…
viewsHow to assemble a table with Current Week Number plus the next 15 Weeks
How can I build a table (HTML + PHP) using the current week number and the next 15 weeks, for example: Semana Atual é 29 então teremos 29+15 = 44 The table will display the information obtained from…
viewsTable standardization
In that table there are the description of 5 rounds, I would like to know how to define a specific round to put on the site, for example every time I open the page will always be in round 1, to go…
viewsRedirect to another URL based on the URL you entered
My problem is this, I want to add /email the url that was typed in the browser and redirect to that new url. I am using windows server 2012 IIS. The site accepts more than one Host. For example on…
viewstake input ID values
I have to do an auction system and am planning how to make Countdown for several products at once, each with its number of seconds. I’m thinking about doing it with PHP and jQuery. The problem is…
viewsUpload the entire site when logging in
Well I wondered if it was possible when entering my website, the same be all loaded in the cache, so that during the browsing of the same there are not those dead times where the page is loading the…
viewsInsert a calendar with HTML
I’m trying to insert a calendar into HTML, but that calendar is going wrong. The calendar is the green one on this page: Only I only get the tasks and the days…
viewsWhat is this unknown space?
Website: Here is the problem shown: The other question was I who posted, posted again because I have not yet had an…
viewsHow to change the "code" content of a javascript section
Hi, I need to change the content (code) of a javascript section with the function . click or onClick but the content can’t go on for the other Section! Thanks
viewsIs it bad practice to fill <select> <option></option> with data from the database?
It would be bad practice to use selects of HTML with items obtained through a database, even though they are dynamic (always occurring addition in the table that contain them). Example without a…
viewsPhp file that creates html, how do I get the information to come from the database?
As I do for the html created by this php instead of containing the text between the quotes, it contains information that comes from my database. <?php # Nome do arquivo html $pagename =…
viewsHow does a Json object return?
I just modified an example of HTML with Json but it is an array type and apparently what I want to use is an object, I believe this is the problem. json contains this information:…
viewsCheckbox summation system not working
I have a summation system using checkbox and radio button always used it and it always worked, but I tried to put it on another page I have and it stopped working the code is this one: function…
viewsShows and hides content in Div in list form
I’m trying to change this code so you can hide and show the content in list form. At the moment the code shows the content in videos through your id. <div id="videoGallery"> <ul>…
viewsIdentifying a page exchange in a PHP web system
When the user enters a certain page of the system, I do an update in the database, but when the user leaves this page I need to take the event and do another update, I am not able to find out what…
viewsSite does not get responsive
I did a test with Bootstrap, the desktop browser works beauty, but the mobile device is small. <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.css"> <script…
viewsShow only div daughter with jQuery
I need to attack the div comentarioPost and make only the div of the respective post appear. I simulated some comments to test, then they’ll come from the bank with the other information. How do I…
viewsOpen a banner when you visit the site
I need to put an image to open automatically when accessing the site, but I’m kind of lost in it.
viewsSlide JQUERY 100% screen EXAMPLE
I’m doing a full screen slide, but I find that in other monitors the image and the text gets bigger/smaller. I’d like to leave him one size fits all. Vi this site below, I found it very interesting.…
viewsHow does every click on the checkbox count for a number?
I wonder how I can do for every click I give worth one by one number , type instead of I put an input number next to the checkbox I would like to make each click I give in the checkebox worth for a…
viewsAcordion Bootstrap - link to access
I have the following code: <div id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="headingOne">…
viewsHow to simplify Hexadecimal code #ff6a00
I need to simplify this hexadecimal code #ff6a00, is there a rule ? has some formula ?
viewsAutomatic scroll on browser output
I have a php script that returns a lot of data on the screen, but the scroll always gets to the beginning of it so I have to press the keyboard fin button all the time until the script is finished.…
viewsAlign texts with different Ivs on the same line
Hello, I have a problem, I created a popup only for newsletter, but when passing it to html, with css, I needed to use 2 Divs (I tried to use all possible forms, fonts, p, span) different to change…
viewsMenu change color and description when selected
Hello, I was trying to create a menu that when selected it changes color, but when selecting another its color goes back to normal and the other activates the color. Also when selected, the base…
viewsresponsive menu with jQuery and css
Galera I set up a menu that appears when placing the cursor over the letter B. The problem is that when it is aligned to the left the menu disappears in the corner of the page. If I remove the line…
Good staff, I was wondering if you could help me build boxes like in the picture,.…