Consultations between tables with Eloquent - Laravel 5


Viewed 4,496 times


Good, I have the following problem when using Laravel 5 in the relationship of tables:

I have these 4 tables (hypothetical names to illustrate the problem):


Using the Laravel 5 models I connected them to each other:

Modelo Empresa

public function pessoa(){
  return $this->hasMany('App\Pessoas')

Model People

public function trabalho(){
  return $this->hasMany('App\Trabalho')
public function empresa(){
  return $this->belongsTo('App\Empresa')

Work model

public function custo(){
  return $this->hasMany('App\Custo')
public function pessoa(){
  return $this->belongsTo('App\Pessoa')

Modelo Custo

public function trabalho(){
  return $this->belongsTo('App\Trabalho')

My question is how to make the sum of the cost of all the people in a given company and all the jobs... For example, to know the total cost of a job I do something like:

$trabalho = new Trabalho->find($id)
$custoDoTrabalho = $trabalho->custo->sum('montante')

However, if you do the following:

$pessoas = new Empresa->find($id)->pessoa
$custoDosTrabalhosTodasAsPessoas = $pessoas->trabalho->custo->sum('montante')

Doesn’t work!

To achieve the intended result I have to write many lines (and I am lazy and the project is great and with many cases of these!)

$custo = 0;
$pessoas = new Pessoa->find($id);
$trabalhos = $pessoas->trabalho;
foreach($trabalhos as $trabalho)

Is there any way to use "Eloquent" relationships for this goal, or do I have to write everything down?

(sorry the text so large... thanks in advance!)

2 answers


$pessoas = new Empresa->find($id)->pessoa
$custoDosTrabalhosTodasAsPessoas = $pessoas->trabalho->custo->sum('montante')

That doesn’t work because $pessoas is a list. the right would be $pessoas[0]->trabalho->.... But that wouldn’t solve your problem in general.

To solve your problem of making the sum of the cost of all the people of a given company and of all the jobs, you can do only one consultation:

select sum(custos.montante) from empresas
join pessoas on (pessoas.empresa_id =
join trabalho on (trabalho.pessoa_id =
join custos on (custos.trabalho_id =
where = ?

this sql you can run it raw:

DB::statement('teu sql...');

but using eloquent can do so:

     join('pessoas', function($query){
      ->join('trabalho', function($query){

another way:

         ->join('pessoas', 'pessoas.empresa_id', '=', '')
         ->join('trabalho', 'trabalho.pessoa_id', '=', '')
         ->join('custos', 'custos.trabalho_id', '=', '')
  • I had already asked this question for a long time, however I have already solved the problem (I don’t remember how), but I liked your solution and it seems to me the most correct! Thank you for the reply!

  • I had already asked this question for a long time, however I have already solved the problem (I don’t remember how), but I liked your solution and it seems to me the most correct! Thank you for the reply!


No need to check for each person.. to add up the entire amount of all jobs:

$total = App\Custo::sum('montante');

To sum up the amount per job:

$trabalhoTotal = App\Trabalho::find(1)->custo->sum('montante');


$trabalhoTotal = App\Custo::where('trabalho_id',1)->sum('montante');
  • Because in this case it would work... but I badly exposed the case (it is incomplete), because linked to the table People there is another (Companies)... When doing: $total = App Cost::sum('amount'); Would take the amount of all people in all companies... I just want the amount of all people in a particular company... I will edit the question!

  • How do you want it to go back? Workoxcustos? Empresaxworkoxcusto? Personxcusto? @Ricardocruz

  • Cost... The sum of all the Costs of all the Works performed by all the People in a given Company.

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