How to pick a value between brackets in the string?


Viewed 660 times


I have a string that will vary the values, I need to get the values inside the [],


In case it would be empty, it may be filled:


I’m trying to do it like this

 var palavras = a.Split('[');
 var palavra = palavras[1];

But he returns me the rest of the code: ]} In case if there was nothing, the value was empty, if it was filled I needed the test. (this value varies);

  • 3

    You can do so... but if your string is an deseralizable as it seems, there are other approaches to it

  • Can solve @Leandroangelo, thanks.

  • 1

    Treating as string or Json?

  • String, I made this string[] split = a.Split(new char[] { '[', ']' }); Messagebox.Show(split[1]);

  • Would you accept a Regex? you’re trying to get the word test?

  • Yes I need to pick up the word test, but will not always have this word, including can contain other characters, and several words.

  • @marianac_costa added regex to your question, you said it could be :)

  • 3

    treats as json that is best....

  • 2

    Definitely the @Rovannlinhalis comment is the following line. This is a json, treat it as such will make life easier. It is not worth the trouble to envision a solution of this kind, maintenance will charge expensive.

  • 1

    There will come a time {"time_zones":[teste, teste2]} to mess up the midfield (=C

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2 answers


You can do this with REGEX "\[(.*)\]"

  • \[ Escape is necessary to be treated as text and not as a set.
  • .* Look for any or several occurrences.
  • In the C# take the first Group, that’s where the word teste(demonstrated in the second example) or anything between brackets.

Running on dotnetfiddle

 using System;
    using static System.Console;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;                       
        public class Program {
            public static void Main() {
                string texto = "{\"time_zones\":[teste]}";
                Regex rgx = new Regex(@"\[(.*)\]");


Within a controller method, it does

public string GetMinhaString()
    string tuaString = @"{ ""time_zones"": [ ""teste"", ""zero"", ""um"" ] }";

    var o = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MeuObjeto>(tuaString);

    return string.Join("-", o.time_zones) + ", total de " + o.time_zones.Length ;

and declares a private class within the controller as follows,

private class MeuObjeto
    public string[] time_zones { get; set; }

This way you will get the information you need and typed according to the JSON provided.

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