What is a graph-based database?


Viewed 8,163 times


I did not find on this site the answer to this question. So my question is basically this:

What is a graph-based database?

1 answer


Different from relational databases Graph-oriented database has other forms of data persistence Nosql.

The idea is to create a model menos genérico that the relational model, providing a simpler modeling, seeking greater performance, both by its implementation free of costly operations and JOINs, how much by the use of graph algorithms.

Being much simpler to draw it doesn’t need a complex table design to start including the data.

Imagine yourself creating a student entity, just create a and its propriedades without worrying initially about what relationships you will have.

The big difference is in the representation of the relationship between the data.

We have the entities called vértices or nós which are linked by arestas or relacionamentos each one can save data between relationships and each relationship can have a direção.

In the image below the vértices are represented by the red circles and the arestas by the arrows:


Examples of graph-oriented databases neo4j and Orientdb

The Neo4j implements the graph model property being efficient up to the storage level. Provides complete database features, including ACID, support of cluster, making it suitable to use graph data in production.

Its official language is Cypher that allows you to search, create and modify structures based on an information graph and relationships.

Command example:

start programmer=(3)
match (programmer)-[:PAIRED]->(pair)
where pair.age > 30 
return pair
order by pair.age
skip 5 limit 10

Links where I searched for information:



https://imasters.com.br/banco-data/graphdb-series-que-e-um-dataco-data/? trace=1519021197&source=single




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