How to catch the current date on Android?


Viewed 8,352 times


I am developing an application and need to pick up the current date only, I used the Date data = new Date(); only it doesn’t work. I tried localdatetime also more was not, someone has some suggestion?

1 answer


Tell you what, import SimpleDateFormat

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

Create a class instance by passing the date format

SimpleDateFormat formataData = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");

Create a class instance Date

Date data = new Date();

Format the date

String dataFormatada = formataData.format(data);


System.out.println("Data formatada " + dataFormatada );
// Data formatada 21-09-2017

See working on ideone

  • To get the current date and format it the Calendar is not necessary

  • @Isac truth I floated :) Tkx

  • java.util.Date dataUtil = new java.util.Date(); Date dataSql = new java.sql.Date(dataUtil.getTime());

  • I got it this way, I take the useful type and convert to sql, in case I needed it in the date type same, without converting

  • You could set the date format yyyy-MM-dd which will also work.

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