Posts by Caio Salchesttes • 7 points
4 posts
viewsQ: I need to list 3 tables in the Standard, somebody help!!! I tried it anyway!
I have 3 tables Sales ID | TITULO Brokers ID | NOME Relas - "Make the relationship between the tables" ID | VENDAS_ID | CORRETORES_ID | TIPO I need the table relas make the relationship between the…
viewsA: How to show the bank’s value in a star rating?
Friend does the following you want me to vote more than once no? If yes create a button where the user id will be sent to a table that will be tamed +1 to existing votes input type="submit" name…
viewsQ: How do I make my registration form safe for my database?
Hello I have a website and I use this following form this script to register projects, but you need a secure form, because if I go in inspecting element on my page and change the value of my option…
phpasked Caio Salchesttes 7 -
viewsQ: I cannot extract data from a site or file . txt
Hello, I would like to extract some data from a website or even an example notepad #EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="" group-title="FILMES",Mulher-Maravilha (2017)…