Posts by Vieira Porto • 25 points
3 posts
viewsQ: How do I view VBA button properties of an excel spreadsheet?
I have a spreadsheet with buttons that hide and re-export fields according to the filled data set. When I try to see or change the properties of the controls, I can’t. VBA only shows the properties…
viewsQ: VBA function to make text uppercase
Good afternoon. How to capitalize the spans of just a few cells of a form mounted on an excel sheet? Numeric and e-mail field cells should not be altered. I only found formulas and functions for…
viewsQ: Excel formula to search part of the text in a table
I have a table of banks and codes in two columns. Ex.: Banco do brasil S/A 001 Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Banrisul 041 Banco Santander do Brasil 033 Banco Mercantil do Brasil 208 Banco…