Posts by Laggio • 21 points
3 posts
viewsQ: How to insert the average of a table into another table?
I created this bank: create table aluno( codaluno int primary key, nome varchar(30), datanasc date); create table curso( codcurso int primary key, descricao_c varchar(200)); create table disciplina(…
viewsQ: Return the name of the course and the names of the disciplines for which there are no enrolled students
I have these tables and would like to know how I select course name and the names of the disciplines that do not have students. create table aluno( codaluno int primary key, nome varchar(30),…
viewsQ: Encrypt message through a python socket
I was looking through the internet and found a tutorial that showed how to make a client and server communication through a socket. These are the scripts: Server #!/usr/bin/env python3 import socket…