Posts by Habner • 3 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Leftjoin does not fetch id values - Laravel
I’m using leftJoin to bring data from 2 tables that are linked by a Belongstomany method to my index view. Virtually all data of the two tables appear when I give a dd in my variable, except the $id…
viewsA: When creating a new user, the user being used is logged in and the new user is logged in automatically
Well, I ran one more through mine Registercontroller and I ended up noticing a line that had gone unnoticed by me before. use RegistersUsers; When I opened this file, I saw that there was my problem…
viewsQ: When creating a new user, the user being used is logged in and the new user is logged in automatically
I’m having a problem with the method of creating a new user in Windows, because I changed the method of registering users on my system so only administrators users can create new users, but every…