Posts by Noah Saulz • 9 points
3 posts
viewsQ: Value storage problem of a variable in Arduino: it reads a value and saves for two cycles, is there any way to solve this?
My project consists of an Arduino program using the RFID module, to read card frequencies, to release a ratchet (similar to buses). A program in Python will read this frequency printed in the…
viewsA: How to store the values of a phpMyAdmin table in a variable/array/array and use it in Arduino code?
#!/usr/bin/python import mysql.connector #Biblioteca para conexao com o banco de dados import serial #Biblioteca para conexao com o monitor serial do arduino #-------------------CONEXAO COM…
viewsQ: How to store the values of a phpMyAdmin table in a variable/array/array and use it in Arduino code?
My school work consists of a basic security system using card frequencies, in a similar way to buses: passes card in the reader, if the frequency is X releases the ratchet, if it is non-X the…