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ASP.NET Core is a Microsoft framework as a redesign of ASP.NET.
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viewsReturn data from the Customer
Good morning Personal, I would like to create a function, which returns the requested client, and its data, which are in 3 different tables Clientes, ClientesTelephone, ClientesEmail, I can add the…
viewsCSS does not load after publication in Azure
I published an Asp.Net Core 2.1 application in Azure, but the CSS does not work, so the application is all messed up. In development environment, my application works normally. I noticed in devtools…
viewscontroller with the same name (home) in different areas
I have problem of ambiguity, when having controllers, with the same name as, Homecontroller in two areas: Admin and Backoffice is me presenting the problem of ambiguity, I’ve searched enough subject…
viewsQuery that searches quantity of items from a column in a table with the same name
Hello, I’m trying to find the amount of records with the same name, from a certain column in my Lead table in the database in a period (month). Follow my class, I want to search only from the field…
viewsError comparing database data with empty form field
I need to check if there is already a registered document number not to repeat it. However, the field Document allows null, so there is an error when comparing a database value with a null value of…
viewsC# Generate random and unique number, check the database if any equal number has already been generated and if you have to generate another number again
I’m developing a system where I need to generate one random number and single and write to the bank, this system will run every day generating new numbers based on business rules. With the help of…
viewsTrying a CRUD with Asp.Net Core 3.1 and gives error in connection with Sql Server
This is my connection string "ConnectionStrings": { "bdcoreconn": "Server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=BdCoreCrud;Trusted_Connection=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;User Id=sa;Password=Simb@d123;" },…
viewsIntermittent CSS icons when reloading page
I am having problems loading icons, but it is rare and difficult to reproduce the problem, as it occurs from time to time in the update with F5. Only occurs in bootstrap css icons or any css font…
viewsHow to do multiple Where validations with Linq and Mongo in c#
I am developing an Api and in my GET method can be passed word to be searched, start date and end date. However all fields are optional, that is, I can pass only the word without date, I can pass…
viewsQuestions about folders in ASP.NET Core
I am in doubt about what each project folder means. Could someone explain me briefly? I would also like to know about the omnisharp. FOLDERS: obj pages properties wwwroot appsettings csproj… 5 years ago Allan Alencar 1 -
viewsAspnet core MVC - CRUD logic in the Controller, Model or Service
I came across a question, I have a very simple project here with three entities, being they Teacher, Student and Class. I created the classes at Model. Example namespace coreSchoolSimple.Models {…
viewsHow to pass a url variable in web api that contains / or a question mark?
I am developing an api in . net core and noticed that in the url if I want to pass for example https://localhost:44365/api/values/test=?/ or https://localhost:44365/api/values/test=// An error…
views.Orderby() Does not order correctly - Aspnet Core
In an Aspnet Core 2.2 application, I had the following code that selected the field of a table and instructed to sort by Text: Controller: //Bairros ViewBag.Bairros = _context.Imoveis.Select(c =>…