Update Div HTML PHP Javascript


Viewed 2,638 times


I’m having some problems updating a div without updating the full page.
Follows the code:

<div class="main" align="justify">
     <div id="mensagens">
          <?php echo file_get_contents('arquivo.txt'); ?>

I’ve thought about creating a "frame" - I’m not sure if that would be the name - and using "meta refresh" to update inside it.

My question is: How to update this Div using PHP or Javascript? And, if possible, you could update this Div whenever there is a change in the ".txt file"?


The ".txt file" is updated normally:

$texto = htmlspecialchars($_POST['text']);
$string = $texto . "\n";
$fp = fopen('arquivo.txt', 'a');
$fw = fwrite($fp, $string);
  • You can use .ajax or .get jQuery. See here a question related to getJSON.

  • 1

    How/why this ".txt file" is changed?

  • The.txt file would be like a "database". Users send the content there instead of using a normal database. There it is all configured and organized according to the output I want.

  • This is some test system ?

  • Yes, it would just be an "experiment".

  • I also recommend using Ajax

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2 answers


Try this:

index php.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="script.js"></script>
    <input name="text" id="text" value="#Teste"><br>
    <button type="submit" id="btn_submit">Confirma</button>
    <div id="resultado"></div>

script js.

$(function () {
    $('#btn_submit').click(function () {
    $.post("grava.php", {},
    function (resp) {

function grava() {
    $.post("grava.php", {
        text: $("#text").val()
    function (resp) {



if (!empty($_POST['text'])) {
    $texto = htmlspecialchars($_POST['text']);
    $string = $texto . ";\n";
    $fp = fopen('arquivo.txt', 'a');
    $fw = fwrite($fp, $string);
echo file_get_contents('arquivo.txt');

OBS: give write permission in directory.


Utilizes the setInterval() to load the file with time interval.


<div id="rg">
    Texto desatualizado!


        setInterval(function () {
                method: "GET", //GET OU POST
                url: "/text.txt" //LOCAL DO ARQUIVO

            }).done(function (answer) {
                $('#rg').html(answer);//Executa se tiver sucesso

            }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
                console.log("Request search failed: " + textStatus); //executa se falhar 
        }, 2000); // Tempo para cada execução

The .html(answer); will place the received information between the respective opening and closing tags and

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